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Transmission Investment is Growing


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Edison Electric Institute's (EEI's) updated report "Transmission Projects: At A Glance, March 2011" projects U.S. electric companies will invest some $61 billion (nominal dollars) in transmission infrastructure improvements by 2021.This spending estimate, derived from a sampling of transmission projects underway or planned, will be on top of the nearly $55 billion (2009 dollars) EEI members invested to improve ihc nation's grid between 2001 and 2009.The tiruwing investment in the nation's transmission infrastructure continues in response to needs including reliability and generator interconnection. The trend in increased transmission investment is also because of, in part, recent landmark developments in federal and state policies affecting transmission infrastructure such as the Energy Policy Act of 2005, slate renewable portfolio standards, federal transmission pricing policy, and federal initiatives promoting transmission smart grid development under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
机译:爱迪生电气学院(EEI)更新的报告“输电项目:概览,2011年3月”预测,到2021年,美国电力公司将投资约610亿美元(标称美元)用于改善输电基础设施。正在进行或计划进行中的EEI成员将在2001年至2009年期间投资近550亿美元(以2009年美元为单位)以改善ihc国家的电网。为满足可靠性和发电机互连等需求,该国输电基础设施的投资持续增长。输电投资增加的趋势也部分是由于近期影响输电基础设施的联邦和州政策出现了里程碑式的发展,例如《 2005年能源政策法案》,可再生能源投资组合标准,联邦输电定价政策以及促进输电智能化的联邦倡议。根据《美国复苏与再投资法案》制定电网。



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