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The blame game


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George bush is running as a war president, a man willing to take the hard decisions needed to defend America from existential threat. As evidence, he claims he took the danger of global terrorism very seriously even before the attacks of September nth 2001, and that since then he has prosecuted the war on terror with the utmost possible vigour, including the decision to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Given the significance of his war leadership, a credible challenge to either of his claims would be a matter of the utmost consequence. This week, both came under fire from a variety of reputable sources in Washington. Their criticism could resonate far beyond the Beltway because Americans have consistently said that, on terrorism, they trust Mr Bush more than they do John Kerry, his Democratic rival.
机译:乔治·布什(George Bush)担任战争总统,愿意做出艰难的决定来保卫美国免受生存威胁。作为证据,他声称甚至在2001年9月n日袭击之前,他就非常认真地对待了全球恐怖主义的危险,并且自那时以来,他以最大的勇气起诉了反恐战争,包括推翻萨达姆·侯赛因的决定。鉴于他的战争领导的重要性,对他的任何一个主张提出可信的挑战将是最大的后果。本周,这两家公司都受到了华盛顿众多知名人士的抨击。他们的批评可能会远远超出“百老汇”之外,因为美国人一直在说,在恐怖主义方面,他们对布什先生的信任比对他的民主党竞争对手约翰·克里更为信任。



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