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Face value: China's gas guzzler


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For a man about to make the biggest decision of his career-one that could trigger a huge political backlash in America—Fu Chengyu seemed remarkably relaxed earlier this week. Sitting in a stately meeting room in his Beijing offices, the blunt, English-speaking 54-year-old chairman and chief executive of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) joked that the outcome could "make me a hero or a martyr". On June 23rd Mr Fu took the plunge, making an offer of $18.5 billion (excluding debt) for Unocal, a California-based oil and gas company. This is the largest foreign takeover yet attempted by a Chinese firm—and a contested one, to boot. On April 4th, Unocal agreed to be acquired by Chevron, the second-biggest American oil firm, in a deal worth $17 billion (excluding debt). With Sino-American relations already strained, the prospect of a state-owned Chinese company buying a big American energy firm is causing ructions in Washington, DC, ostensibly over potential national-security risks, and may also do so elsewhere in Asia, where most of Un-ocal's gas reserves are located.
机译:对于一个即将做出职业生涯最大决定的人来说,这可能会引发美国的巨大政治反弹。本周早些时候,傅成玉显得非常放松。中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)这位54岁的英语直言不讳的董事长和首席执行官坐在北京办公室一个庄严的会议室里开玩笑说,结果可能“使我成为英雄或烈士”。 6月23日,傅先生大跌,以185亿美元(不包括债务)的价格收购了总部位于加利福尼亚的石油和天然气公司优尼科。这是有史以来中国公司试图进行的最大的一次外国收购,也是有争议的一次。 4月4日,优尼科(Unocal)同意以价值170亿美元(不包括债务)的价格被美国第二大石油公司雪佛龙公司收购。在中美关系已经紧张的情况下,一家中国国有公司收购一家大型美国能源公司的前景在华盛顿特区造成了表面上的潜在国家安全风险的制裁,而且在亚洲其他地方也可能这样做位于Unocal的天然气储量中。



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