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Ever since the fall from grace in July 2002 of Jean-Marie Messier, the hubristic former boss of French media conglomerate Vivendi, and Thomas Middelhoff, ousted soon after from Germany's Bertelsmann, European media executives have kept a low profile猽npicking their predecessors' visions and selling assets. But now there is a new contender for the role of Europe's leading media tycoon: Mathias Doepfner, chief executive of Axel Springer, a big German publishing firm. He is poised to buy Pro-SiebenSat.1, a big television company, and wants to expand elsewhere in Europe. At a dinner in New York for Mr Doepfner last winter, he came across as "a man of extraordinary ambition who wants to rule the world," says one of the guests, who muses that he might even match Mr Messier in the scale of his aims.
机译:自2002年7月法国媒体集团Vivendi的暴躁前老板让·玛丽·梅西耶(Jean-Marie Messier)失宠后,以及托马斯·米德尔霍夫(Thomas Middelhoff)在德国贝塔斯曼(Bertelsmann)被赶下台后不久,欧洲媒体高管就一直保持低调,猽视自己的前任愿景和出售资产。但是现在,欧洲领先的媒体大亨的角色有了新的竞争者:德国大型出版公司Axel Springer的首席执行官Mathias Doepfner。他准备收购一家大型电视公司Pro-SiebenSat.1,并希望将业务扩展到欧洲其他地方。一位嘉宾说,去年冬天在纽约为多普夫纳(Doepfner)先生举行的一次晚宴上,他被誉为“一个有雄心壮志的人,他想统治世界”,他沉思着,他甚至可能会像梅西耶先生那样规模。目标。




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