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Material benefits


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With Airbus's giant A380 airliner about to take to the skies, you might think planes could not get much bigger-and you would be right. For a given design, it turns out, there comes a point where the wings become too heavy to generate enough lift to carry their own weight. But a new way of designing and making materials could get around that problem. Two engineers at University College London, Sia Mahdavi and Sean Hanna, have devised an innovative way to customise and control the properties of a material throughout its three-dimensional structure. In the case of a wing, this would make possible a material that is dense, strong and load-bearing at one end, close to the fuselage, while the extremities could be made less dense, lighter and more flexible. It is like making bespoke materials, says Mr Mahdavi, "because you can customise the physical properties of every cubic millimetre of a structure."
机译:鉴于空中客车(Airbus)的巨型A380客机即将升空,您可能会认为飞机无法变得更大,而您是对的。事实证明,对于给定的设计,机翼会变得过于沉重,无法产生足够的升力来承载自身的重量。但是设计和制作材料的新方法可以解决这个问题。伦敦大学学院的两名工程师Sia Mahdavi和Sean Hanna设计出了一种创新的方法,可以在材料的三维结构中自定义和控制材料的属性。就机翼而言,这将使一种密度高,强度高且在靠近机身的一端具有承重能力的材料成为可能,而四肢则可以变得密度更低,重量更轻且更具柔性。 Mahdavi先生说,这就像制作定制材料一样,“因为您可以自定义结构的每立方毫米的物理属性。”



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