首页> 外文期刊>Economic Development Quarterly: The Journal of American Economic Revitalization >Exploring Localized Economic Dynamics: Methods-Driven Case Studies of Transformation and Growth in Agricultural and Food Markets

Exploring Localized Economic Dynamics: Methods-Driven Case Studies of Transformation and Growth in Agricultural and Food Markets


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Quantifying the economic impacts and contributions of local and regional food systems and events in these systems has become increasingly common as both public and private entities attempt to justify a commonly held belief that more localized systems lead to positive economic gains in the communities in which they operate. However, many studies are not careful to consider the opportunity costs, complexity of economic linkages, or other subtle dimensions of how regional economies may change in dynamic settings. In this study, the authors use three case studies to explore the important criteria that should be considered when modeling impacts and contributions of activities and events that can be characterized by a variety of supply shocks or customization to account for relocalized linkages in the supply chain.
机译:随着公共和私营实体都试图证明一种普遍的信念,即更多的本地化系统会在其经营所在的社区带来积极的经济收益,量化本地和区域粮食系统以及这些系统中的事件对经济的影响和贡献已变得越来越普遍。 。但是,许多研究并没有仔细考虑机会成本,经济联系的复杂性或区域经济如何在动态环境中变化的其他细微方面。在这项研究中,作者使用三个案例研究来探索在对活动和事件的影响和贡献进行建模时应考虑的重要标准,这些活动和事件的特征可以是各种供应冲击或定制,以说明供应链中重新定位的联系。



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