首页> 外文期刊>Ecological indicators >Minnows may be more reproductively resilient to climatic variability than anticipated: Synthesis from a reproductive vulnerability assessment of Gangetic pool barbs (Puntius sophore)

Minnows may be more reproductively resilient to climatic variability than anticipated: Synthesis from a reproductive vulnerability assessment of Gangetic pool barbs (Puntius sophore)

机译:now鱼对气候变化的生殖抵抗力可能比预期的要好:恒河池倒刺(Puntius sophore)生殖脆弱性评估的综合

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Information on various aspects of reproductive traits of female pool barbs from various stretches of Ganga River basin, India was generated in relation to climatic variability. The presumptions surrounding - minnows being the first and easily hit by climatic variability, was validated. GAM models revealed low threshold rainfall requirement (> 50 mm) within a wide temperature range (20-30 degrees C) necessary for attainment of breeding GSI (> 10.5 units). Pre-spawning fitness (K-spawn50) and size at 50% maturity (L-M(50)) benchmarked through Kaplan-Meier survival estimates were in the range 1.61-1.67 units (Fulton condition factor) and 8.6-9.0 cm respectively. Mapping of climate preferendum through LOESS smoothing hinted both low-mild rainfall (50-150 mm) and high rainfall conditions (400-700 mm) conducive for attaining pre-spawning fitness while no dependence on temperature was observed. First maturity of females was encountered at 4.7 cm within the size range 4.4-12.6 cm. The present study hinted a probable reduction (1.4-1.8 cm) in size at maturity of female pool barbs. We observed pool barbs can breed within a wide thermal regime following slightest of rainfall events. Collating this with the present rates of climatic variability, we infer negligible threat of changing climate on reproduction of Puntius sophore in near future - contrary to the existing presumptions. Owing to the easiness in attainment of pre-spawning fitness under an apparently flexible climate preferendum, 'skipped spawning' decisions while facing climatic variability also seem minimum. The recorded breeding thresholds may serve as future references while assessing climate driven changes on reproduction and evolutionary adaptations in Gangetic minnows.
机译:收集了印度恒河流域各段雌性池倒钩繁殖性状各个方面的信息,这些信息与气候变化有关。验证了周围的假设-小鱼是第一个容易受气候变化影响的假设。 GAM模型显示,在达到育种GSI(> 10.5个单位)所必需的较宽的温度范围(20-30摄氏度)中,低阈值降雨要求(> 50 mm)。通过Kaplan-Meier生存估计为基准的产卵前适应度(K-spawn50)和50%成熟度时的大小(L-M(50))分别在1.61-1.67单位(富尔顿条件因子)和8.6-9.0 cm之间。通过LOESS平滑法绘制的气候偏方图表明,低温降雨(50-150 mm)和高降雨条件(400-700 mm)都有利于达到产卵前适应性,而没有观察到温度依赖性。在尺寸为4.4-12.6 cm的4.7 cm处遇到雌性的首次成熟。本研究提示,雌性倒钩成熟时大小可能减小(1.4-1.8厘米)。我们观察到,在发生最小的降雨事件之后,池倒钩可以在较宽的温度范围内繁殖。与目前的气候变化率相比较,我们推断在不久的将来,气候变化对P槐繁殖的威胁微不足道-与现有假设相反。由于在明显灵活的气候偏好下容易实现产卵前适应性,面对气候多变性的“跳过产卵”决策似乎也很少。记录的繁殖阈值可作为未来参考,同时评估气候驱动的恒河min鱼繁殖和进化适应的变化。



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