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Using wildlife indicators to facilitate wildlife monitoring in hunter-self monitoring schemes


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Wildlife populations in tropical forests are difficult to monitor. Hunter self-monitoring schemes hold promise, but their accuracy in estimating populations has not been verified and obtaining useful wildlife estimates from generally low-quality data remains a challenge. We tested whether wildlife indicators could be useful for wildlife monitoring in such schemes, because they might eliminate the need to estimate effort in hunter surveys, and reduce records of many species into a single informative indicator. We implemented a hunter self-monitoring scheme in eight villages in the northern Republic of Congo, collecting shotgun, snare, and camera trap records in "zones" within each village's hunting territory (shotguns = 83 zones, snares = 50 zones, cameras = 21 zones). Using each of these three survey methods, we calculated for each zone three different indicators used in wildlife studies: mean body mass, the mean intrinsic rate of increase (rmax), and a duiker index (small duikers as a percentage of small and medium sized duikers). Survey effort could be estimated for both snares and cameras and was used to estimate species relative abundances (Catch Per Unit Effort, CPUE). Mean body mass was the most effective indicator, followed by the duiker index. Both were correlated between survey methods and changed with increasing hunting pressure regardless of survey method used. They also predicted the total CPUE of animals > 15 kg for zones, and often the CPUE of individual species. They also gave the most precise estimates of the three indicators, and snare estimates were more precise than shotgun. In contrast, mean rmax generally performed poorly, and was often not correlated with the other indicators, or with hunting pressure. Our findings suggest that some indicators can produce useful wildlife estimates from hunter self-monitoring schemes, that are also easy to implement and comprehend for hunters and wildlife managers.
机译:热带森林中的野生生物种群很难监测。猎人的自我监测计划有望实现,但是其在估计种群数量方面的准确性尚未得到验证,从总体上低质量的数据中获得有用的野生动植物估计仍然是一个挑战。我们测试了野生生物指标是否可用于此类计划中的野生生物监测,因为它们可能消除了估计猎人调查工作量的需要,并将许多物种的记录减少为一个单一的信息指标。我们在刚果共和国北部的八个村庄实施了一项猎人自我监控计划,在每个村庄的狩猎领土内的“区域”中收集shot弹枪,军鼓和相机陷阱记录(shot弹枪= 83个区域,圈套器= 50个区域,相机= 21个区域)。使用这三种调查方法中的每一种,我们为每个区域计算了野生动植物研究中使用的三个不同指标:平均体重,平均内在增长率(rmax)和duiker指数(小型duiker在中小型企业中所占的百分比) duikers)。可以估算圈套器和相机的调查工作量,并用于估计物种的相对丰度(每单位工作量捕获量,CPUE)。平均体重是最有效的指标,其次是duiker指数。两者都在调查方法之间相关,并且无论使用何种调查方法,都随着狩猎压力的增加而变化。他们还预测了区域内动物的总CPUE> 15千克,通常还预测了单个物种的CPUE。他们还对这三个指标给出了最精确的估计,而网罗估计比shot弹枪更精确。相反,平均rmax通常表现不佳,通常与其他指标或狩猎压力不相关。我们的研究结果表明,一些指标可以从猎人的自我监测计划中得出有用的野生动植物估计值,对于猎人和野生动植物管理者来说也很容易实现和理解。



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