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Two Board Level Shielding Technologies: A Comparison


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As a result of the additional wireless capabilities being designed into mobile consumer products like cell phones, PDAs and laptops, there is an increasing need for more compact and cost effective EMI/KF shielding solutions within these devices. Newer technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS are being more frequendy combined with die core transmit/receive engines in mobile devices, thereby increasing the complexity and density of the printed circuit boards upon which these technologies reside. Consumer demand has also driven most of these devices toward smaller and lighter packages diat are both more ergonomic and aesthetically appealing. These changes have forced electrical and mechanical designers alike to take a better look at the EMI/RF shielding options available to them when designing die electronics and packaging of mass-manufactured mobile devices.
机译:由于在移动消费产品(如手机,PDA和笔记本电脑)中设计了额外的无线功能,因此在这些设备中对更紧凑,更具成本效益的EMI / KF屏蔽解决方案的需求日益增长。诸如Wi-Fi,蓝牙和GPS之类的较新技术越来越频繁地与移动设备中的核心发送/接收引擎结合在一起,从而增加了这些技术所驻留的印刷电路板的复杂性和密度。消费者的需求也促使这些设备中的大多数趋向于更小,更轻的包装,而直径更符合人体工程学且在美学上更具吸引力。这些变化迫使电气和机械设计人员在设计裸片电子产品和大规模制造的移动设备的包装时,更好地了解他们可用的EMI / RF屏蔽选项。



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