首页> 外文期刊>East Asia >Japan’s Policy Toward China Under Strong Anti-Chinese Sentiment: A Case of Terminating Yen Loans to China

Japan’s Policy Toward China Under Strong Anti-Chinese Sentiment: A Case of Terminating Yen Loans to China


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2004 was the year when the Japanese public's affinity with China dropped dramatically, to 37.6 %, due to anti-Japan riots in China. Now more than 70 % of the Japanese public does not feel an affinity with China. How could such a strong anti-Chinese sentiment influence Japan's policy toward China? This paper considers this question by examining Japan's decision-making process on terminating the much-criticized yen loans to China. Yen loans are a type of Official Development Assistance (ODA) provided by the Japanese government to countries lacking sufficient funds for economic development. China is one of the top yen loan borrowers, and the loans have contributed to China's economic growth and increasing openness. However, in March 2005, Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura told Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing that Japan intended to phase out the yen loans before the 2008 Beijing Olympics and reached an agreement on the matter. Two-and-a-half years later, Japan terminated its yen loans to China, as the foreign ministers had agreed. Through mainly firsthand documents and interviews with government officials, this paper will clarify the following two points: (1) While it is true that the Japanese government significantly reduced its yen loan package to China from 2001 onward due to domestic criticism of China, as pointed out by previous studies, it was not planning to terminate the yen loans as of summer 2004. Instead, the Japanese government was contemplating how to keep providing yen loans to China; (2) Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura, who was appointed in September 2004, had pushed for the termination of yen loans to China only after anti-Chinese sentiment rose dramatically in summer 2004, because he felt that continuing the much-criticized yen loans would not benefit stable Japan-China relations. This paper sheds light on the background of the termination of yen loans to China, a major milestone in postwar Japan-China relations that had been unclear until now. Having said this, the more important point of this paper may be that it also shows the influence of strong anti-Chinese sentiment on Japan's policies toward China.
机译:由于中国的抗日骚乱,2004年是日本公众与中国的亲和力急剧下降的一年,降至37.6%。现在,超过70%的日本公众对中国没有亲和力。如此强烈的反华情绪如何影响日本对华政策?本文通过研究日本终止对中国的日元贷款的批评过程来思考这个问题。日元贷款是日本政府向缺乏足够经济发展资金的国家提供的一种官方发展援助(ODA)。中国是日元贷款的最大借款国之一,这些贷款为中国的经济增长和开放度做出了贡献。然而,2005年3月,日本外相町村信孝告诉中共外相李肇星,日本打算在2008年北京奥运会之前逐步取消日元贷款,并就此达成协议。两年半后,日本按照外交部长的同意终止了对中国的日元贷款。通过主要通过第一手文件和与政府官员的访谈,本文将阐明以下两点:(1)诚然,日本政府确实由于国内对中国的批评而从2001年起大幅减少了对华日元贷款计划。根据先前的研究,日本不打算在2004年夏季之前终止日元贷款。相反,日本政府正在考虑如何继续向中国提供日元贷款。 (2)2004年9月被任命的外相町村信隆信(Nobutaka Machimura)只是在2004年夏季反华情绪急剧上升之后才敦促终止对华日元贷款,因为他认为继续备受批评的日元贷款不会有利于稳定的日中关系。本文阐明了终止对华日元贷款的背景,这是迄今为止战后日中关系的一个重要里程碑。话虽如此,本文更重要的一点可能是它还显示了强烈的反华情绪对日本对华政策的影响。



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