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Are Antibiotics Killing Us?


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Alan Hudson likes to tell a story about a soldier and his high school sweetheart. The young man returns from an overseas assignment for their wedding with a clean bill of health, having dutifully cleared up an infection of sexually transmitted chlamydia. "Three weeks later, the wife has a screaming genital infection," Hudson recounts, "and I get a call from the small-town doctor who's trying to save their marriage." The soldier, it seems, has decided his wife must have been seeing other men, which she denies. Hudson pauses for effect, stretching back in his seat and propping his feet on an open file drawer in a crowded corner of his microbiology laboratory at Wayne State Medical School in Detroit "The doctor is convinced she's telling the truth," he continues, folding his hands behind a sweep of white, collar-length hair. "So I tell him, 'Send me a specimen from him and a cervical swab from her.'" This is done after the couple has completed a full course of antibiotic treatment and tested free of infection. "I PCR 'em both," Hudson says, "and he is red hot."
机译:艾伦·哈德森(Alan Hudson)喜欢讲一个有关士兵和他的中学恋人的故事。这位年轻人以完好健康的名义从海外任务返回参加婚礼,并尽职尽责地清除了性传播衣原体感染。哈德森说:“三周后,妻子得了尖叫的生殖器感染,我接到了一位试图挽救婚姻的小镇医生的电话。”看来,这名士兵已经决定他的妻子一定在见其他男人,她否认了。哈德森停下脚步,伸了个懒腰,靠在底特律韦恩州立医学院微生物实验室拥挤角落的一个开放文件抽屉里,脚站着,“医生相信她说的是实话。”双手紧握着一头白色的领口长发。 “所以我告诉他,'从他那里给我寄来一份标本,从她那里给我一张宫颈拭子。'”这对夫妇完成了完整的抗生素治疗过程并进行了无感染测试后,就可以这样做了。哈德森说:“我都把它们都PCR了。他很烫。”



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