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Arming Nature's Grenade


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"Let's suck away!" Physicist Paul quinn an- nounces, flipping the switch on his stove-top vacuum cooker. There's a long, low gurgling noise as a gauge registers the pressure drop inside, and the sound of muted machine-gun fire rattles the pot. Almost immediately, Quinn's lah at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania is permeated with 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, the aroma given off by popcorn as it cooks. Eight minutes later, he removes the lid to reveal a pot brimming with fresh Orville Reden-bacher's. Though it's not apparent until the contents are poured into a graduated beaker, this popcorn has almost twice the volume of regular stove-top popcorn. The popcorn industry measures its product in three ways: the volume of the flake relative to its unpopped mass, the per- centage of popped kernels, and the amount of popcorn that can be harvested per acre. In the past half century, thanks to rigorous breeding, all three of those numbers have increased dramatically. Indeed, popcorn ranks among the greatest agronomic successes of the 20th century. Today the best popcorn pops twice as big as the popcorn of 50 years ago and leaves as little as one-fourth as many unpopped kernels, called old maids. And because popcorn is one of the only products bought by weight and sold by volume, bigger flakes translate into bigger profits.
机译:“让我们吸走!”物理学家保罗·奎因(Paul quinn)取消了炉灶真空炉上的开关。仪表记录下内部的压力下降时,发出的嘶哑声长且低,而机枪低声的声音使锅子嘎嘎作响。宾夕法尼亚州库兹敦大学的奎因(Quinn)的药水几乎立即充满了2-乙酰基1-吡咯啉,这是爆米花烹饪时散发出的香气。八分钟后,他取下锅盖,露出装满新鲜奥维尔·雷登巴赫(Orville Reden-bacher)的锅。虽然直到将内容物倒入有刻度的烧杯中才知道,但这种爆米花的体积几乎是普通炉顶爆米花的两倍。爆米花行业通过三种方式衡量其产品:相对于未爆米花的薄片量,爆米花的百分比以及每英亩可收获的爆米花数量。在过去的半个世纪中,由于严格的育种,这三个数字均急剧增加。的确,爆米花是20世纪最伟大的农艺学成就之一。如今,最好的爆米花的爆米花是50年前爆米花的两倍,而留下的爆米花则是未爆谷粒的四分之一,被称为旧女仆。而且由于爆米花是按重量购买和按体积出售的仅有的产品之一,因此更大的薄片转化为更大的利润。



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