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Jon Erlandson shakes out what appears to be a miniature evergreen from a clear ziplock bag and holds it out for me to examine. As one of the world's leading authorities on ancient seafaring, he has devoted much of his career to hunting down hard evidence of ancient human migrations, searching for something most archaeologists long thought a figment: Ice Age mariners. On this drizzly late-fall afternoon in a lab at the University of Oregon in Eugene, the 53-year-old Erlandson looks as pleased as the father of a newborn-and perhaps just as anxious -as he shows me one of his latest prize finds. The little "tree" in my hand is a dart head fashioned from creamy-brown chert and bristling with tiny barbs designed to lodge in the flesh of marine prey. Erlandson recently collected dozens of these little stemmed points from San Miguel Island, a scrap of land 27 miles off the coast of California. Radiocarbon dating of marine shells and burned twigs at the site shows that humans first landed on San Miguel at least 12,000 years ago, and the dart head in my hand holds clues to the ancestry of those seafarers.
机译:乔恩·埃兰森(Jon Erlandson)从一个透明的拉链袋中抽出似乎是微型常绿的东西,将其拿出来给我检查。作为古代海上航行的世界领先机构之一,他在职业生涯中投入了大量时间来寻找古代人类迁徙的确凿证据,以寻找大多数考古学家长期以来一直认为是虚构的东西:冰河世纪水手。在尤金俄勒冈大学的一个实验室里,这个下雨的傍晚下午,现年53岁的埃兰德森(Erlandson)看上去就像一个新生儿的父亲一样高兴,也许也焦虑不安-他向我展示了他的最新奖项之一发现。我手里的小“树”是一个箭头,箭头由奶油棕色的t石制成,鬃毛上刺有细小的倒钩,旨在容纳在海洋猎物的肉中。爱兰森最近从圣米格尔岛(San Miguel Island)收集了数十个这些小刺点,圣米格尔岛是距离加利福尼亚海岸27英里的一块土地。在该地点对贝壳和燃烧的树枝进行的放射性碳测年表明,人类至少在12,000年前首次降落在圣米格尔岛上,而我手中的飞镖头为这些海员的祖先提供了线索。



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