首页> 外文期刊>Dialectical Anthropology >“A carnival of promiscuous carnal indulgence”: bureaucrats’ ambivalence in reconciling capitalist production with native American habitus

“A carnival of promiscuous carnal indulgence”: bureaucrats’ ambivalence in reconciling capitalist production with native American habitus


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In 1921 the U.S. Office of Indian Affairs (OIA) attempted to suppress ritual public performances in the Southwestern Pueblos. Several reams of documenting text were used to support this authorizing text. These documenting texts were affidavits purporting to describe “degrading tendencies” and “immoral relations” in the Puebloan habitus. The OIA used these sensationalized representations of the habitus of Native Americans’ communities to promote and justify the policy of forced acculturation in the waning days of its implementation. What is perplexing is that these supporting texts were trotted out so late, decades after the major thrusts of the forced acculturation program had first been put into play. My purpose is to analyze the place of these texts in the forced acculturation program. I suggest, following Anne McClintock (1995) that the obsessive fascination that the public performances seem to have held for those who reported on and condemned them, represent a layered and complex intertwining of ambivalence about domestic social relations and gender with confusion about culture and labor. Examining a slice of the U.S. Government’s policy of forced acculturation in a corner of the Native American world reveals a potentially implosive anxiety of reconciling the imposition of a desired mode of production with the persistence of a habitus perceived as celebrating the violation of appropriate domesticity.
机译:1921年,美国印第安事务办公室(OIA)试图镇压西南普韦布洛斯举行的仪式性公共表演。大量的记录文本用于支持该授权文本。这些记录文本是旨在描述普韦布洛习惯中的“有辱人格的倾向”和“不道德的关系”的誓章。 OIA使用这些耸人听闻的美洲原住民习惯习俗来促进和证明强迫文化的实施日渐式微。令人困惑的是,这些支持的案文在强制性文案计划的主要重点首次发挥作用几十年后就被淘汰了。我的目的是分析这些文本在强制文化计划中的位置。我建议,在安妮·麦克林托克(Anne McClintock,1995)之后,公共表演似乎对那些举报和谴责那些表演的人如此着迷,代表着对家庭社会关系和性别的矛盾与对文化和劳动的困惑的层次和复杂的交织。 。在美国原住民世界一角审视美国政府的强迫文化政策的一部分,揭示出一种潜在的内爆性焦虑,即调和理想生产方式与坚持认为惯于庆祝违反适当居所的习惯的持久性。



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