首页> 外文期刊>Diabetes >Association of Polymorphism in the NeuroD/BETA2 Gene With Type 1 Diabetes in the Japanese

Association of Polymorphism in the NeuroD/BETA2 Gene With Type 1 Diabetes in the Japanese

机译:日本人NeuroD / BETA2基因多态性与1型糖尿病的关联

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NeuroD/BETA2, a transcription factor of the insulin gene, also plays an important role in the development of pan- creatic β-cells. Recently, the NeuroD/BETA2 gene has been mapped to the long arm of human chromosome 2 (2q32) where the IDDM7 gene has previously been mapped, imply- ing its involvement in diabetes. To identify mutations in the NeuroD/BETA2 gene that may predispose patients to Develop diabetes, we studied the gene in 50 Japanese sub- Jects with diabetes (4 with type 1 and 46 with tykpe 2) by the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by single-strand Conformation polymorphism and sequencing analyses.
机译:NeuroD / BETA2是胰岛素基因的转录因子,在胰腺β细胞的发育中也起着重要作用。最近,NeuroD / BETA2基因已被定位到人类2号染色体(2q32)的长臂上,IDDM7基因先前已被定位,这暗示其参与了糖尿病。为了确定NeuroD / BETA2基因的突变可能使患者更容易患上糖尿病,我们通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)在50个日本糖尿病患者中研究了该基因(4个1型糖尿病和tykpe 2型糖尿病)。单链构象多态性和序列分析。



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