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Expression patterns of hormones, signaling molecules, and transcription factors during adenohypophysis development in the chick embryo


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The chick embryo is an ideal model to study pituitary cell-type differentiation. Previous studies describing the temporal appearance of differentiated pituitary cell types in the chick embryo are contradictory. To resolve these controversies, we used RT-PCR to define the temporal onset and in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry to define the spatial localization of hormone expression within the pituitary. RT-PCR detected low levels of Fshβ (gonadotropes) and Pomc (corticotropes, melanotropes) mRNA at E4 and Gh (somatotropes), Prl (lactotropes), and Tshβ (thyrotropes) mRNA at E8. For all hormones, sufficient accumulation of mRNA and/or protein to permit detection by in situ hybridization or immunohistochemistry was observed ~3 days later and in all cases corresponded to a notable increase in RT-PCR product. We also describe the expression patterns of signaling (Bmp2, Bmp4, Fgf8, Fgf10, Shh) and transcription factors (Pitx1, Pitx2, cLim3) known to be important for pituitary organogenesis in other model organisms. Developmental Dynamics 239:1197–1210, 2010. ? 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
机译:鸡胚是研究垂体细胞类型分化的理想模型。先前的研究描述了在鸡胚中分化的垂体细胞类型的时间出现是矛盾的。为了解决这些争议,我们使用RT-PCR定义了时间发作,原位杂交以及免疫组织化学来定义垂体内激素表达的空间定位。 RT-PCR检测到E4处的Fshβ(促性腺激素)和Pomc(促糖皮质激素,黑素体)mRNA低水平,E8处的Gh(促生长素体),Prl(促乳素体)和Tshβ(促甲状腺激素)mRNA低水平。对于所有激素,在约3天后观察到足够的mRNA和/或蛋白质积累,可以通过原位杂交或免疫组织化学检测,并且在所有情况下,这都对应于RT-PCR产物的显着增加。我们还描述了信号传导(Bmp2,Bmp4,Fgf8,Fgf10,Shh)和转录因子(Pitx1,Pitx2,cLim3)的表达模式,这些模式对于其他模型生物中的垂体器官发生很重要。发展动力学239:1197–1210,2010年。 2010 Wiley-Liss,Inc.



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