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Métis Women’s Experiences in Canadian Higher Education




In Canada, there are three groups of Aboriginal people, also referred to as Indigenous peoples, and these include the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. Although often thought of collectively, each has its distinct history, culture, and perspectives. The Métis people are mixed-culture people stemming from a long history of Indigenous people and European settlers intermixing and having offspring. Furthermore, the living history representing mixed ancestry and family heritage is often ignored, specifically within higher education. Dominant narratives permeate the curriculum across all levels of education, further marginalizing the stories of Métis people. I explore the experiences of Métis women in higher education within a specific region in Canada. Using semi-structured interview questions and written narratives, I examine the concepts of identity, institutional practices, and reconciliation as described by Métis women. Results assist in providing a voice to the Métis women’s experiences as they challenge and resist colonial narratives of their culture and expand upon a new vision of Métis content inclusion in higher education as reconciliation.
机译:在加拿大,有三组土着人民,也称为土着人民,其中包括第一个国家,因纽特人和Métis。虽然经常被统称,但每个人都有其独特的历史,文化和观点。 Métis人是混合文化的人,源于土着人民和欧洲定居者的悠久历史,又有后代和后代。此外,代表混合祖先和家庭遗产的生物历史通常忽略,特别是在高等教育中。主导叙述渗透各级教育课程,进一步边缘化了Métis人的故事。我探讨了加拿大特定地区高等教育中的Métis妇女的经验。使用半结构性面试问题和书面叙述,我研究了Métis女性所述的身份,体制实践和和解的概念。结果协助为Métis妇女的经验提供声音,因为它们挑战和抵抗其文化的殖民叙事,并扩大了Métis内容纳入高等教育的新愿景作为和解。



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