首页> 外文期刊>Genealogy >Shifting Racial Boundaries and Their Limits. German Women, Non-European Men, and the Negotiation of Sexuality and Intimacy in Nazi Germany

Shifting Racial Boundaries and Their Limits. German Women, Non-European Men, and the Negotiation of Sexuality and Intimacy in Nazi Germany

机译:转移种族界限及其限制。 德国妇女,非欧洲人,以及纳粹德国的性和亲密的谈判



This essay examines the cultural, ethnic, and “racial” boundaries of the National Socialist “Volksgemeinschaft” based on planned, failed, and completed marriages between German women and non-European men in the early twentieth century. From evidence in the relevant files from the Federal Archives and the Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office, this essay discusses male partners from various countries of origin as examples of the role of the state in racially mixed unions. The reactions of the institutional actors and the couples themselves demonstrated the surprising ambivalence of National Socialist racial policy due to political and diplomatic requirements.
机译:本文在二十世纪初期的计划,失败和德国男子之间审查了国家社会主义“Volksgemeinschaft”的文化,种族和“种族”界限。 从联邦档案的相关文件和联邦外交部的政治档案中的证据中,这篇文章将来自各国的男性合作伙伴讨论为国家在种族混合工会中的作用的例子。 机构行动者和夫妻本身的反应表明,由于政治和外交要求,国家社会主义种族政策的令人惊讶的矛盾。



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