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“For Me, They Were the Good Old Days”: Retrospective Narratives of Childhood Experiences in ‘the Gang’




Much of the existing scholarship on gang membership predominantly focuses on adolescence as being the formative time period for the development of gang identities; however, there has thus far been more limited attention towards the childhood experiences of gang members, (i.e., pre-adolescence). The organising principle of this paper is to articulate the retrospective accounts of gang members’ childhoods, and how these recollections form a central role to the emergence of gang identities. The data presented in this paper were collected during fieldwork in two adult, men’s prisons in England; interviews were conducted with 60 active and former prison gang members, identified through prison databases; a small number (n = 9) of interviews were conducted with ‘street’ participants, such as ex-offenders, outreach workers and gang researchers. This paper aims to show that many gang members romanticise accounts of their childhoods, in spite of often having experienced adverse childhood experiences:, so too do many gang members view their childhood experiences as part of their mythologised narrative of life in ‘the gang’. Nevertheless, a tension exists between how gang members seek to portray their childhood experiences around gangs and the negative labelling and strain they experienced during their childhood; often, romanticised accounts seek to retrospectively neutralise these harms. In so doing, the lens through which childhood gang membership is viewed is one which conceptualises childhood gang involvement as being something non-deleterious, thus acting as a lens that attempts to neutralise the harms and vicissitudes of gang affiliation.
机译:团伙成员的大​​部分现有奖学金主要关注青春期,成为帮派身份发展的形成时间段;然而,到目前为止,对团伙成员的童年经历(即青春期前)甚远更加有限。本文的组织原则是阐明了帮派成员的童年的回顾性账户,以及这些回忆如何形成对团伙身份的出现的核心作用。本文提出的数据在两名成人的杀实体中收集,在英格兰的男性监狱中;通过监狱数据库确定了60名活跃和前监狱团伙成员的访谈;少数(n = 9)采访是与“街道”参与者进行的,例如前罪,外联工人和帮派研究人员。本文旨在表明,许多帮派成员浪漫的童年时代浪漫账户,尽管经历过童年的经历,但许多团伙成员也是在“团伙”中的生命中的神话叙事的一部分之中。然而,在帮派成员如何寻求描绘童年的经历和他们在童年时期所经历的负面标签和压力之间存在紧张关系;通常,浪漫的账户寻求回顾性地中和这些危害。在这样做的情况下,观看童年团伙成员的镜头是概念童年团伙的参与是一种不利的东西,从而表现为试图中和团伙联盟的危害和沧桑的镜头。



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