首页> 外文期刊>Genealogy >A Genealogy of XIXth Century French Criticism—Typology, Physiology and Genealogy in Sainte-Beuve, Taine and Nietzsche

A Genealogy of XIXth Century French Criticism—Typology, Physiology and Genealogy in Sainte-Beuve, Taine and Nietzsche

机译:西克斯世纪法国批评的家谱 - 在Sainte-Beuve,Taine和Nietzsche的类型学,生理学和家谱



The genealogical paradigm was renewed in French literary criticism in the XIXth Century. The problem it encounters is the following: on the one hand, to reduce the specificity of literary and artistic genius within natural or historical laws; on the other hand, being too fascinated by the uniqueness of genius, so that any historical explanation of the latter could be attempted. Literary genealogy in France is aimed at escaping the antithesis between reductionist naturalism and ahistorical romanticism. First approached through both a biographical and naturalistic method by Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve during the first half of the century, it turns into a more physiological and Darwinian perspective through Hippolyte Taine’s historiography. Seen from Nietzsche’s European point of view, this way of proceeding lacks self-examination, because every good genealogy must become aware of the values it conveys.
机译:在十九世纪的法国文学批评中续签了族古的范式。 它遇到的问题如下:一方面,减少自然或历史法中文学和艺术天才的特异性; 另一方面,由于天才的独特性而言,因此可以尝试任何后者的历史解释。 法国的文学家谱旨在逃脱还原剂自然主义与艾博间浪漫主义之间的对宿。 首先通过Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve在本世纪的上半年进行了传记和自然主义方法,通过海马Taine的历史进入了更具生理和达尔文的角度。 从Nietzsche的欧洲观点来看,这种过程的方式缺乏自我检查,因为每一个良好的家谱都必须意识到它传达的价值观。



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