首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Statistics and Probability >A Bayesian Mixture Model Accounting for Zeros and Negatives in the Loss Triangle

A Bayesian Mixture Model Accounting for Zeros and Negatives in the Loss Triangle




In insurance loss reserving, a large portion of zeros are expected at the later development periods of an incremental loss triangle. Negative losses occur frequently in the incremental loss triangle due to actuarial practices such as subrogation and salvation. The nature of the distributions assumed by most stochastic models, such as the lognormal and over-dispersed Poisson distributions, brings restrictions on the zeros and negatives appearing in the loss triangle. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian mixture model for stochastic reserving under the situation where there are both zeros and negatives in the incremental loss triangle. A multinomial regression model will be applied to model the sign of the loss data, while the lognormal distribution is assumed for the loss magnitudes of negatives and positives. Bayesian generalized linear models will be fitted for both the mixture and magnitude models. The model will be implemented using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques in BUGS. Our model provides a realistic tool for stochastic reserving in the cases of zeros and negatives.
机译:在保险损失保留中,预计在增量损失三角的后期开发期间预计将大部分零。由于替代和救赎等精算实践,在增量损耗三角形中经常发生负损失。大多数随机模型(如Lognormal和过分分散的泊松分布)假设的分布的性质为损耗三角形出现的零和否定的限制带来了限制。在本文中,我们提出了一种贝叶斯混合模型,用于随机保留的随机保留,其中零损耗三角形的零和底片。将应用多项式回归模型来模拟损耗数据的符号,而逻辑正常分布被假设为损耗的负面和阳性。贝叶斯广义线性型号将适用于混合物和幅度模型。该模型将使用Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)在错误中实现。我们的模型为零和底片的情况提供了一种用于随机保留的现实工具。



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