首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology: ACSIT >BOKHARI- Intelligent Multi-agent based e-Learning System (IMBLS) for Interactive Distance Learning

BOKHARI- Intelligent Multi-agent based e-Learning System (IMBLS) for Interactive Distance Learning




The major challenge for developing country like India is that there is a large and diverse population of students and insufficient number of qualified teachers as well as lack of infrastructure for such large population. Distance learning mode has shown a capability to address these concerns, even though a lot of progress taken place in this field, but interactivity is still the major concern in Distance Learning Environment (DLE) is to make it as much interactive as classroom teaching while retaining the other benefits of E-learning systems like ease of access and time management. Multi-agent based system had shown its capability in the field of E-learning in order to develop an E-learning system which is collaborative, Interactive, Adaptive and Intelligent. This paper highlights the flaws in the existing systems and proposes a new Multi-agent based E-learning Architecture named BOKHARI- Intelligent Multi-agent based e-Learning System (BOKHARI- IMBLS) that is a web based interactive E-Learning system designed for the distance learning environment. Its architecture is based upon seven individual agents working in a collaborative fashion to provide an E-learning environment that is interactive, adaptive, collaborative, secure and efficient. The main focus of the system is to enhance the interactivity at the user level as well as to reduce the complexity of the system. This system has an abstraction layer in the form of a web portal that hides the complexity of internal details of the system working from the end user and provides easy handling of the system.



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