首页> 外文期刊>Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World >“Dad, Wash Your Hands”: Gender, Care Work, and Attitudes toward Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic

“Dad, Wash Your Hands”: Gender, Care Work, and Attitudes toward Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic




Recent analyses of responses to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have posited that men’s dismissive attitudes toward the risks of the virus reflect their attempts to conform to masculine norms that valorize bravery and strength. In this article, the authors develop an alternative account of the gender differences in attitudes toward COVID-19. Drawing on three waves of in-depth interviews with college students and members of their households ( n = 45) over a period of 16 weeks (for a total of 120 interviews), the authors find that men and women in comparable circumstances perceive similar risks of COVID-19, but they diverge in their attitudes toward, and responses to, these risks. Connecting scholarship on gender and care work with research on risk, the authors argue that gender differences in attitudes toward risk are influenced by the unique and strenuous care work responsibilities generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which are borne primarily by women—and from which men are exempt.
机译:最近对冠状病毒疾病的反应分析2019(Covid-19)已经假定男人对病毒风险的不屑一顾态度反映了他们符合勇敢和力量的男性化规范的尝试。在本文中,提交人制定了对Covid-19态度的性别差异的替代叙述。在16周(共120名访谈中,他们家庭和家庭成员(n = 45)的三个深入访谈的绘制在一段时间内Covid-19,但他们对这些风险的态度分歧和回应。建议书与性别和关怀合作的联系奖学金,该作者认为,对风险的态度的性别差异受到Covid-19大流行产生的独特和艰苦的关怀职责的影响,这些责任主要由女性承担 - 以及其中男人豁免。



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