首页> 外文期刊>Social Media + Society >Algorithmic Closeness in Mourning: Vernaculars of the Hashtag #grief on TikTok

Algorithmic Closeness in Mourning: Vernaculars of the Hashtag #grief on TikTok

机译:哀悼中的算法亲密性:Tiktok上的Hashtag #Greief的白话



This study looks at how mourning is expressed using the hashtag #grief on the social media app TikTok using qualitative content analysis. In a dataset of 100 TikTok videos, this article explores how the TikTok ranking algorithms, which orders content based on previous user engagements, may connect people in mourning across the platform and how these platform-enabled interactions may shape grief expressions. The study shows how grief was narrated on TikTok, which sociotechnical templates (such as duets, stitches, and audios) were incorporated into such expressions, and how these expressions of grief challenged societal mourning norms. This article ends with a discussion about how different subcultural norms on TikTok are linked to the way in which ranking algorithms create social connections across the platform. This study proposes that the “algorithmic closeness” of TikTok users in grief allows them to challenge societal mourning norms in imagined safe spaces, shaped by the algorithmic ranking systems on the platform.
机译:本研究介绍了使用定性内容分析的社交媒体App Tiktok对社交媒体应用程序Tiktok的Hashtag #grief来表达哀悼。在100个Tiktok视频的数据集中,本文探讨了Tiktok排名算法如何根据以前的用户参与订单内容,可以连接人们在平台上哀悼,以及这些平台的交互方式如何形成悲伤表达式。该研究表明,悲伤是如何在Tiktok上叙述,社会科技模板(如二重子,针和奥迪斯)被纳入这样的表情,以及这些表达悲伤的表达如何挑战社会哀悼准则。本文结束于讨论Tiktok的不同潜水规范与排名算法在整个平台上创建社交连接的方式相关联。本研究提出了悲伤中Tiktok用户的“算法近距离”允许它们挑战在想象的安全空间中的社会哀悼准则,由平台上的算法排名系统形状。



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