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Black Memes Matter: #LivingWhileBlack With Becky and Karen




“BBQ Becky” and “Karen” memes reference real-world incidents in which Black individuals were harassed by White women in public spaces. In what I term the BBQ Becky meme genre, Black meme creators use humor, satire, and strategic positioning to perform a set of interrelated social commentaries on the behavior of White women. By conducting a visual Critical Technocultural Discourse Analysis (CTDA) of BBQ Becky memes, I argue that Becky and Karen memes are a cultural critique of White surveillance and White racial dominance. I find that memes in the BBQ Becky meme genre call attention to, and reject, White women’s surveillance and regulation of Black bodies in public spaces—making an important connection between racialized surveillance of the past and contemporary acts of “casual” racism. This meme genre also disrupts White supremacist logics and performative racial ignorance by framing Karens and Beckys as racist—not just disgruntled or entitled. Finally, in a subversion and reversal of power dynamics, Karen and BBQ Becky memes police White supremacy and explicitly call for consequences, providing Black communities with a form of agency. Hence, I conclude that Black memes matter in the struggle for racial equity.
机译:“BBQ Becky”和“Karen”MEMES参考现实世界事件,其中黑人被公共场所的白人妇女骚扰。在我术语中,BBQ Becky MEME类型,黑色MEME创作者使用幽默,讽刺和战略定位,对白人女性的行为进行一套相互关联的社会评论。通过进行烧烤贝基模型的视觉关键技术文化话语分析(CTDA),我认为贝基和凯伦模因是一种白色监视和白人种族统治的文化批评。我发现BBQ Becky Meme Perre致电的模因,并拒绝了白人女性在公共场所的黑人身上的监测和监管 - 在过去和当代行为“休闲”种族主义中的敌人化监测之间的重要联系。这个MEME类型还通过框架和贝克斯作为种族主义的方式来扰乱白色至高无上的逻辑和表演种族无知 - 不仅是不满或有权的。最后,在权力动态的颠覆和逆转,凯伦和烧烤贝基MEMES警察白色至上,明确地呼吁后果,以一种代理商提供黑色社区。因此,我得出结论,黑模因素在种族权益斗争中。



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