首页> 外文期刊>Social Media + Society >Stage Whispering: Tumblr Hashtags Beyond Categorization

Stage Whispering: Tumblr Hashtags Beyond Categorization

机译:阶段窃窃私语:Tumblr Hashtags超越分类



Scholarly attention to hashtagging on social media sites has focused on their catagorization affordances. Grounded in the literature on online identity, this article examines how Tumblr users tactically use hashtagging architecture for publicity and privacy in self-expression. The analysis is based on Tumblr posts and their corresponding hashtags, combined with text-based, synchronous interviews with users. We find that participants use hashtags as a form of intimate expression, offering “secret whisper” spaces. Participants acknowledged a distinction between these spaces of intimacy and the more conventional space of the post. Extending on Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, we argue that this intimacy practice is a form of stage whispering, which is neither front- nor backstage, but implies and assumes intimacy while on the stage, as an actor might imply and assume intimacy stage whispering to her audience.
机译:学术关注社交媒体网站的哈希特征,专注于他们的地产化能力。 本文研究了在线身份的文献中,该文章探讨了Tumblr用户如何在自我表达中战术宣传和隐私的横向使用。 该分析基于Tumblr帖子及其相应的Hashtags,与基于文本的,与用户的同步访谈相结合。 我们发现参与者使用Hashtags作为一种亲密表达式的形式,提供“秘密耳语”空间。 参与者承认这些内容空间与柱子的更传统空间之间的区别。 我们延伸到Goffman的戏剧性方法,我们认为这种亲密的做法是一种阶段耳语的形式,这既不是前台,也不是在舞台上的亲密关系,因为演员可能暗示并假设亲密阶段对她的观众窃窃私语 。



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