首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security >A Novel Secure Data Hiding Technique into Video Sequences Using RVIHS

A Novel Secure Data Hiding Technique into Video Sequences Using RVIHS




Most of the present hiding techniques on video are considered over plaintext domain and plain video sequences are used to embed information bits. The work presented here reveals the novelty for information embedding in a video sequence over the ciphered domain. The carrier video signal is encrypted using chaos technique which uses multiple chaotic maps for encryption. The proposed reversible video information hiding scheme (RVIHS) exhibits an innovative property that, at the decoding side we can perfectly extract the information along with carrier video without any distortion. The public key modulation is a mechanism used to achieve data embedding, where as in secret key encryption is not required. The proposed approach is used to differentiate encoded and non-encoded picture patches at decoder end by implementing 2 class Support Vector Machine grouping. This helps for us to retrieve the original visual sequence with embedded message and to scale up embedding capacity. The experiment is conducted using real time videos for embedding the information. The outcome of proposed work bring about best embedding capacity, compared to existing techniques.



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