首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Global cotton production under climate change – Implications for yield and water consumption

Global cotton production under climate change – Implications for yield and water consumption

机译:气候变化下的全球棉花生产 - 对产量和耗水量的影响



Being an extensively produced natural fiber on earth, cotton is of importance for economies. Although the plant is broadly adapted to varying environments, the growth of and irrigation water demand on cotton may be challenged by future climate change. To study the impacts of climate change on cotton productivity in different regions across the world and the irrigation water requirements related to it, we use the process-based, spatially detailed biosphere and hydrology model LPJmL (Lund–Potsdam–Jena managed land). We find our modeled cotton yield levels in good agreement with reported values and simulated water consumption of cotton production similar to published estimates. Following the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) protocol, we employ an ensemble of five general circulation models under four representative concentration pathways (RCPs) for the 2011–2099 period to simulate future cotton yields. We find that irrigated cotton production does not suffer from climate change if CO 2 effects are considered, whereas rainfed production is more sensitive to varying climate conditions. Considering the overall effect of a changing climate and CO 2 fertilization, cotton production on current cropland steadily increases for most of the RCPs. Starting from ~65 ?million tonnes in 2010, cotton production for RCP4.5 and RCP6.0 equates to 83 and 92?million?tonnes at the end of the century, respectively. Under RCP8.5, simulated global cotton production rises by more than 50?% by 2099. Taking only climate change into account, projected cotton production considerably shrinks in most scenarios, by up to one-third or 43 million tonnes under RCP8.5. The simulation of future virtual water content (VWC) of cotton grown under elevated CO 2 results for all scenarios in less VWC compared to ambient CO 2 conditions. Under RCP6.0 and RCP8.5, VWC is notably decreased by more than 2000?m 3 ?t ?1 in areas where cotton is produced under purely rainfed conditions. By 2040, the average global VWC for cotton declines in all scenarios from currently 3300 to 3000?m 3 ?t ?1 , and reduction continues by up to 30?% in 2100 under RCP8.5. While the VWC decreases by the CO 2 effect, elevated temperature acts in the opposite direction. Ignoring beneficial CO 2 effects, global VWC of cotton would increase for all RCPs except RCP2.6, reaching more than 5000?m 3 ?t ?1 by the end of the simulation period under RCP8.5. Given the economic relevance of cotton production, climate change poses an additional stress and deserves special attention. Changes in VWC and water demands for cotton production are of special importance, as cotton production is known for its intense water consumption. The implications of climate impacts on cotton production on the one hand and the impact of cotton production on water resources on the other hand illustrate the need to assess how future climate change may affect cotton production and its resource requirements. Our results should be regarded as optimistic, because of high uncertainty with respect to CO 2 fertilization and the lack of implementing processes of boll abscission under heat stress. Still, the inclusion of cotton in LPJmL allows for various large-scale studies to assess impacts of climate change on hydrological factors and the implications for agricultural production and carbon sequestration.
机译:作为地球上的广泛生产的天然纤维,棉花对经济体是重要的。虽然该植物广泛适应不同的环境,但由于未来的气候变化,棉花对棉花的增长和灌溉需求可能受到挑战。为研究气候变化对世界各地棉花生产率的影响以及与其相关的灌溉用水要求,我们使用基于过程的空间详细的生物圈和水文模型LPJML(Lund-Potsdam-jena管理土地)。我们发现我们的建模棉花产量水平与报告的价值观和模拟水消耗类似于出版估计。遵循跨部门影响模型相互熟悉的项目(ISIMIP)议定书,我们在2011-2099期间采用了四个代表浓度途径(RCP)的五个一般循环模型,以模拟未来的棉花产量。如果考虑有氧二氧化碳效应,我们发现灌溉棉花产量不会遭受气候变化,而雨量生产对不同的气候条件更敏感。考虑到变化的气候和二氧化碳施肥的整体效果,目前农田对大多数RCP的棉花生产稳定地增加。从2010年的〜65亿吨开始,棉花生产对于RCP4.5和RCP6.0分别等同于本世纪末的83和92?百万?吨。在RCP8.5下,模拟全球棉花产量升至2099年以上的50多次。只考虑气候变化,预计棉花产量在大多数情况下大大收缩,在RCP8.5下最多三分为三分之一或4300万吨。与环境CO 2条件相比,在较低的CO 2下,在较低的CO 2下,棉花的未来虚拟水含量(VWC)的模拟结果。在RCP6.0和RCP8.5下,VWC在纯雨条件下生产的区域中,VWC在2000多于2000多个2000?M 3?T?1。到2040年,在目前3300至3000℃的所有场景中平均全球VWC棉花下降,在rcp8.5下的2100中的2100℃下降至多30?%。虽然VWC通过CO 2效果降低,但高温呈相反的方向。忽略有益的CO 2效果,全球VWC除RCP2.6之外的所有RCP都会增加,达到超过5000?M 3?T?1在RCP8.5下的仿真期结束。鉴于棉花生产的经济相关性,气候变化造成了额外的压力,值得特别关注。 VWC的变化和对棉花生产的需求的需求具有特殊重要性,因为棉花生产以其强烈的耗水量而闻名。气候影响对一方面对棉花生产的影响以及棉花生产对水资源的影响表明,需要评估未来的气候变化如何影响棉花生产及其资源要求。我们的结果应被视为乐观,因为关于CO 2施肥的高不确定性以及在热应激下缺乏铃声脱落过程。尽管如此,在LPJML中含有棉花允许各种大规模研究来评估气候变化对水文因素的影响以及农业生产和碳封存的影响。



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