首页> 外文期刊>BMC Pediatrics >Correlates of uptake of HIV testing among children and young adolescents in Akwa-Ibom state, Nigeria: a secondary data analysis of the Akwa-Ibom aids indicator survey, 2017

Correlates of uptake of HIV testing among children and young adolescents in Akwa-Ibom state, Nigeria: a secondary data analysis of the Akwa-Ibom aids indicator survey, 2017

机译:尼日利亚Akwa-Ibom State中儿童和年轻青少年艾滋病毒检测的关联:2017年AKWA-IBOM艾滋病指标调查的二级数据分析



In order to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, there is a need to significantly reduce the rate of new infection among children and young adolescents. Identifying the correlates of testing behaviour is necessary to improve HIV testing campaigns by refining messages that target individuals in this age group. The objective of this study was to determine the correlates of HIV testing among children and young adolescents in Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria. The outcome was a secondary data analysis of the 2017 Akwa-Ibom AIDS Indicator Survey. Data of 4037 children and young adolescents aged 0–14?years was assessed in this study. Analysis was done using STATA version 16. Chi-squared test and logistic regression models were used to measure association and its strength between uptake of HIV testing and some independent variables (child/caregiver’s age, sex, educational status, child’s location, caregiver’s knowledge of HIV and caregiver ever tested for HIV) at 5% significance level. Result showed that only 14.2% of the children and young adolescents have been tested for HIV. Previous history of blood transfusion (AOR?=?5.33, 95%C.I?=?2.60–10.92, P?=??0.001), caregiver’s level of education (AOR?=?2.67, 95%C.I?=?1.30–5.51, P?=?0.008) and caregiver ever tested for HIV (AOR?=?8.31, 95%C.I?=?5.67–12.19, P?=??0.001) were significantly associated with uptake of HIV testing. This study concludes that a large proportion of children and young adolescents in Akwa-Ibom state have never been tested for HIV. There is a need for HIV testing interventions to be targeted towards this age groups and their parents/guardian. Addressing the knowledge gap amongst caregivers especially in rural areas is crucial towards improving the effectiveness of HIV testing interventions.
机译:为了将艾滋病疫情结束到2030,需要显着降低儿童和年轻青少年的新感染率。识别测试行为的相关性是通过炼制该年龄组中的个人的消息来改善艾滋病毒测试活动。本研究的目的是确定尼日利亚Akwa-IBOM儿童和年轻青少年艾滋病毒检测的相关性。结果是2017年AKWA-IBOM艾滋病指标调查的二级数据分析。 4037名儿童和年轻青少年的数据在0-14岁以下的儿童中进行了评估了这项研究。使用STATA版本16进行分析。Chi-Squared测试和逻辑回归模型用于测量艾滋病毒检测的摄取与某种独立变量之间的关联及其强度(儿童/看护人的年龄,性别,教育身份,儿童地点,照顾者的知识艾滋病毒和护理人员在5%的意义水平下进行了艾滋病毒。结果表明,只有14.2%的儿童和年轻青少年进行艾滋病毒。之前的输血历史(AOR?=?5.33,95%CI?=?2.60-10.92,P?=?&?0.001),护理人员的教育程度(AOR?=?2.67,95%CI?=?1.30 -5.51,p?= 0.008)和护理人员对HIV进行了测试(AOR?= 8.31,95%CI?=?5.67-12.19,p?=Δ<0.001)与摄取HIV测试显着相关。这项研究结论是,AKWA-IBOM国家的大部分儿童和年轻青少年从未用于艾滋病毒。需要针对这个年龄段和父母/监护人的艾滋病毒检测干预措施。应对护理人员之间的知识差距,特别是在农村地区对提高艾滋病毒检测干预措施的有效性至关重要。



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