首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Hunting for Wandering Massive Black Holes

Hunting for Wandering Massive Black Holes




We investigate low-density accretion flows onto massive black holes (BHs) with masses of ?10~(5) orbiting around in the outskirts of their host galaxies, performing 3D hydrodynamical simulations. Those wandering BHs are populated via ejection from the galactic nuclei through multibody BH interactions and gravitational wave recoils associated with galaxy and BH coalescences. We find that when a wandering BH is fed with hot and diffuse plasma with density fluctuations, the mass accretion rate is limited at ~10%–20% of the canonical Bondi–Hoyle–Littleton rate owing to a wide distribution of inflowing angular momentum. We further calculate radiation spectra from radiatively inefficient accretion flows onto the wandering BH using a semianalytical two-temperature disk model and find that the predicted spectra have a peak at the millimeter band, where the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has the highest sensitivity and spatial resolution. Millimeter observations with ALMA and future facilities such as the next-generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) will enable us to hunt for a population of wandering BHs and push the detectable mass limit down to M _(?)???2?×?10~(7) for massive nearby ellipticals, e.g., M87, and M _(?)???10~(5) for the Milky Way. This radiation spectral model, combined with numerical simulations, will be applied to give physical interpretations of off-nuclear BHs detected in dwarf galaxies, which may constrain BH seed formation scenarios.
机译:我们调查低密度的空穴流入大规模的黑洞(BHS),其中包含宿主星系的郊区,执行3D流体动力学模拟。通过多体BH相互作用,通过多体BH相互作用和与星系和BH聚合相关的重力波反冲来填充那些徘徊的BHS。我们发现,当流浪BH用密度波动喂食热和漫射等离子体时,由于流入角动量的广泛分布,质量增生率为〜10%-20%的〜10%-20%。我们进一步计算辐射光谱从辐射低效的吸积,使用半角度的双温磁盘模型流入徘徊的BH,并发现预测光谱在毫米频段处具有峰值,其中Atacama大毫米/亚倍数钟阵列(ALMA)具有最高的灵敏度和空间分辨率。与Alma的毫米观察和未来的设施,如下一代非常大的阵列(NGVLA)将使我们能够捕获徘徊的BHS群体,并将可检测的质量限制推到 m _(?)??? 2 ×10〜(7)用于大规模附近的椭圆形,例如M87和 M _(?)10〜(5)为银河系。该辐射谱模型与数值模拟结合,将应用于在矮星系中检测到的核心腺炎的物理解释,这可能会限制BH种子形成情况。



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