首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Emergence of an Action Repository as Part of a Biologically Inspired Model of Speech Processing: The Role of Somatosensory Information in Learning Phonetic-Phonological Sound Features

Emergence of an Action Repository as Part of a Biologically Inspired Model of Speech Processing: The Role of Somatosensory Information in Learning Phonetic-Phonological Sound Features




A comprehensive model of speech processing and speech learning has been established. The model comprises a mental lexicon, an action repository and an articulatory-acoustic module for executing motor plans and generating auditory and somatosensory feedback information ( Kr?ger and Cao, 2015 ). In this study a “model language” based on three auditory and motor realizations of 70 monosyllabic words has been trained in order to simulate early phases of speech acquisition (babbling and imitation). We were able to show that (i) the emergence of phonetic-phonological features results from an increasing degree of ordering of syllable representations within the action repository and that (ii) this ordering or arrangement of syllables is mainly shaped by auditory information. Somatosensory information helps to increase the speed of learning. Especially consonantal features like place of articulation are learned earlier if auditory information is accompanied by somatosensory information. It can be concluded that somatosensory information as it is generated already during the babbling and the imitation phase of speech acquisition is very helpful especially for learning features like place of articulation. After learning is completed acoustic information together with semantic information is sufficient for determining the phonetic-phonological information from the speech signal. Moreover it is possible to learn phonetic-phonological features like place of articulation from auditory and semantic information only but not as fast as when somatosensory information is also available during the early stages of learning.
机译:已经建立了一种综合语音处理和语音学习模型。该模型包括心理Lexicon,动作储存库和用于执行电机计划和生成听觉和躯体感应反馈信息的铰接式声学模块(KR?GER和CAO,2015)。在这项研究中,基于三个听觉和运动的“模型语言”已经培训了70个单音节词的训练,以模拟言语采集的早期阶段(短语和模仿)。我们能够展示(i)语音语音特征的出现是由于行动存储库中的音节表示的越来越多程度,并且(ii)这个订单或音节的排列主要由听觉信息塑造。 Somatosory信息有助于提高学习速度。特别是如果听觉信息伴随着躯体感应信息,则学到了铰接地位的辅音特征。可以得出结论,躯体感应型信息,因为它已经生成了在短语期间,语音获取的模仿阶段非常有用,特别是对于学习特征,如铰接地点。在学习完成后,与语义信息一起完成声学信息足以从语音信号确定语音语音信息。此外,还可以仅仅从听觉和语义信息的铰接地点学习语音语音特征,而不是在学习早期阶段的早期也可用时尽可能快地快速。



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