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Adolescents’ Developing Sensitivity to Orthographic and Semantic Cues During Visual Search for Words




Two eye-tracking experiments were conducted to assess the influence of words either looking like the target word (orthographic distractors) or semantically related to the target word (semantic distractors) on visual search for words within lists by adolescents of 11, 13, and 15 years of age. In Experiment 1 (literal search task), participants saw the target word before the search (e.g., “raven”), whereas in Experiment 2 (categorical task) the target word was only defined by its semantic category (e.g., “bird”). In both experiments, participants’ search times decreased from fifth to ninth grade, both because older adolescents gazed less often at non-target words during the search and because they could reject non-target words more quickly once they were fixated. Progress in visual search efficiency was associated with a large increase in word identification skills, which were a strong determinant of average gaze durations and search times for the categorical task, but much less for the literal task. In the literal task, the presence of orthographic or semantic distractors in the list increased search times for all age groups. In the categorical task, the impact of semantic distractor words was stronger than in the literal task because participants needed to gaze at the semantic distractors longer than at the other words before rejecting them. Altogether, the data support the assumption that the progressive automation of word decoding up until the age of 12 and the better quality of older adolescents’ lexical representations facilitate a flexible use of both the perceptual and semantic features of words for top-down guidance within the displays. In particular, older adolescents were better prepared to aim at or reject words without gazing at them directly. Finally, the overall similar progression of the maturation of single word visual search processes and that of more real-life information search within complex verbal documents suggests that the young adolescents’ difficulties in searching the Web effectively could be due to their insufficiently developed lexical representations and word decoding abilities.
机译:进行了两个眼睛跟踪实验,以评估单词的影响,无论是目标词(正交分散组)还是与目标字(语义干扰者)语义相关的语义相关,用于在11,13和15的青少年中列出中的单词。岁。在实验1(文字搜索任务)中,参与者在搜索之前看到了目标词(例如,“raven”),而在实验2(分类任务)中,目标词仅由其语义类别定义(例如,“鸟”) 。在两个实验中,参与者的搜索时间从第五到第九年级减少,这都是因为旧青少年在搜索期间的非目标词时凝视着不那么凝视,因为它们在固定后可以更快地拒绝非目标词。视觉搜索效率的进展与单词识别技能大幅增加,这是一个强大的分类任务的凝视持续时间和搜索时代的强大决定因素,但对文字任务较少。在文字任务中,列表中的正交或语义干扰器的存在增加了所有年龄组的搜索时间。在分类任务中,语义干扰的影响比文字任务更强大,因为参与者在拒绝之前,参与者需要在语义时期的时间比其他单词凝视。完全,数据支持假设单词解码直到12岁的逐步自动化以及较旧的青少年质量的词汇表演,有助于灵活地利用语言的感知和语义特征,以便在内部的自上而下的指导显示。特别是,较旧的青少年更好地准备瞄准或拒绝单词而不直接凝视着它们。最后,单词视觉搜索过程的成熟的总体相似进展以及复杂的口头文档中的更真实信息搜索的进展表明,年轻的青少年在有效地搜索网络的困难可能是由于它们不充分发展的词汇表现和词解码能力。



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