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Perceived Coach Leadership Profiles and Relationship With Burnout, Coping, and Emotions




The aims of the study were to identify coach profiles and examine whether participants from distinct profiles significantly differed on burnout, emotions, and coping or not. A sample of 268 athletes ( M age = 29.34; SD = 12.37) completed a series of self-reported questionnaires. Cluster analyses revealed two coach leadership profiles: (a) profile 1 with high scores of training and instruction, authoritarian behavior, social support, and positive feedback, and a low score of democratic behavior; and (b) profile 2 with low levels in training and instruction, authoritarian behavior, social support, and positive feedback and high levels in democratic behavior. Results of Multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) indicated significant differences across coach profiles on reduced accomplishment, sport devaluation, happiness and seeking support and marginal differences on dejection, logical analysis, imagery/thought control, and excitement. Moreover, coach leadership profiles were not confounded by demographic variables (level of competition, gender, age, number of practice hours, professional versus no professional athletes). As a conclusion, the profile approach offered a holistic way to examine coach leadership in sport as two distinct coach profiles emerged from the cluster analyses with an unexpected combination of coach leadership dimensions.
机译:该研究的目的是识别教练概况,并检查从倦怠,情绪和应对明显不同的曲线的参与者是否显着不同。 268名运动员的样本(M龄= 29.34; SD = 12.37)完成了一系列自我报告的问卷。群集分析揭示了两位教练领导档案:(a)简介1,培训和教学得分高,授权行为,社会支持以及积极的反馈,以及民主行为的低分; (b)培训和教学,授权行为,社会支持以及民主行为的积极反馈和积极反馈和高水平的尺寸。变差的多元分析结果(MANOVAS)在减少成就,体育贬值,幸福和寻求支持和令人兴奋,逻辑分析,意象/思想控制和兴奋和兴奋方面表现出跨教练概况的显着差异。此外,教练领导概况并没有被人口变量(竞争水平,性别,年龄,练习时间数,专业与专业运动员)混淆。作为一个结论,个人资料方法提供了一种整体途径,以便在群集中出现的两种不同的教练概况与教练领导力尺寸的意外组合出现的两个不同的教练概况。



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