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Children Probably Store Short Rather Than Frequent or Predictable Chunks: Quantitative Evidence From a Corpus Study




One of the tasks faced by young children is the segmentation of a continuous stream of speech into discrete linguistic units. Early in development, syllables emerge as perceptual primitives, and the wholesale storage of syllable chunks is one possible strategy for bootstrapping the segmentation process. Here, we investigate what types of chunks children store. Our method involves selecting syllabified utterances from corpora of child-directed speech, which we vary according to (a) their length in syllables, (b) the mutual predictability of their syllables, and (c) their frequency. We then use the number of utterances within which words are contained to predict the time course of word learning, arguing that utterances which perform well at this task are also more likely to be stored, by young children, as undersegmented chunks. Our results show that short utterances are best-suited for predicting when children acquire the words contained within them, although the effect is rather small. Beyond this, we also find that short utterances are the most likely to correspond to words. Together, the two findings suggest that children may not store many complete utterances as undersegmented chunks, with most of the units that children store as hypothesized words corresponding to actual words. However, dovetailing with an item-based account of language-acquisition, when children do store undersegmented chunks, these are likely to be short sequences—not frequent or internally predictable multi-word chunks. We end by discussing implications for work on formulaic multi-word sequences.
机译:幼儿面临的一个任务是将连续的演讲流分割成离散语言单位。早期开发时,音节会出现作为感知原语,音节块的批发存储是引导分段过程的一个可能的策略。在这里,我们调查块儿童店的类型。我们的方法涉及从儿童导向语音的语音中选择音节的话语,这是根据(a)在音节中的长度(b)它们的音节的互补性和(c)它们的频率的频率。然后,我们使用的话语数量在其中包含单词以预测单词学习的时间过程,争论在此任务中表现良好的话语也更有可能被幼儿存储在幼儿身上,如图所示的块。我们的研究结果表明,当儿童获取其中包含的词语时,短暂的话语最适合预测,尽管效果相当小。除此之外,我们还发现短暂的话语最有可能对应于单词。这两个调查结果表明,孩子们可能不会将许多完整的话语存储为缺省的块,其中大多数儿童存储为对应于实际单词的假设单词。但是,随着基于项目的语言获取账户,当孩子们做出了规范的块时,这些可能是短序列 - 不频繁或内部可预测的多字块。我们通过讨论用于公式多字序列的工作的影响来结束。



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