首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology >Healthcare Professional Perceptions of Blood Glucose Meter Features That Support Achievement of Self-Management Goals Recommended by Clinical Practice Guidelines

Healthcare Professional Perceptions of Blood Glucose Meter Features That Support Achievement of Self-Management Goals Recommended by Clinical Practice Guidelines




Background: Blood glucose meters remain an effective tool for blood glucose monitoring (BGM) but not all meters provide the same level of insight beyond the numerical glucose result. Objective: To investigate healthcare professional (HCP) perceptions of four meters and how these meters support the achievement of self-management goals recommended by diabetes clinical practice guidelines. Methods: Three hundred and fifty-three HCPs from five countries reviewed the features and benefits of four meters using interactive webpages and then responded to statements about the utility of each meter and ranked each meter in terms of clinical value. Results: Meter D ranked significantly higher in terms of clinical utility for all 13 guideline questions (70%-84%, P < .05) compared to other meters. Endocrinologists (69%-85%), primary care physicians (PCP; 63%-80%), and diabetes nurses (DN; 80%-89%) consistently ranked meter D highest for all guideline questions. DNs ranked selected questions significantly higher compared to PCPs (8 of 13) or endocrinologists (3 of 13; P < .05). Meter D achieved strong endorsement from HCPs in France and Germany, followed by the United States and Canada, with comparatively lower responses from Italian HCPs ( P < 0.05). With respect to self-management, 80% of HCPs selected meter D as their first choice for patients with type 1 diabetes to help patients improve diabetes management or understand their numbers to help them stay in range. Conclusions: HCPs had strong preference for a meter providing additional insights, messages, and guidance direct to the patient to support achievement of self-management goals recommended by diabetes clinical practice guidelines.
机译:背景技术:血糖计仍然是血糖监测(BGM)的有效工具,但并非所有仪表都提供与数值血糖结果相同的洞察力。目的:调查医疗保健专业人员(HCP)4米的看法以及这些仪表如何支持糖尿病临床实践指南推荐的自我管理目标的实现。方法:来自五个国家的三百五十三个HCP使用互动网页审查了四米的特点和优点,然后响应了关于每米的效用的陈述,并在临床价值方面排名各仪表。结果:仪表D在与其他米相比,所有13项指南问题(70%-84%)的临床效用方面的排名明显更高。内分泌学家(69%-85%),初级保健医生(PCP; 63%-80%)和糖尿病护士(DN; 80%-89%)一贯排名米为所有指南问题。与PCP(13个)或内分泌学家(共13个)或内分泌学家(3个; P <.05)相比,DNS排名选择明显更高。仪表D从法国和德国的HCP获得了强烈的认可,其次是美国和加拿大,来自意大利HCP的反应相对较低(P <0.05)。关于自我管理,80%的HCPS选择仪表D作为1型糖尿病患者的首选,帮助患者改善糖尿病管理或了解他们的数字,以帮助他们保持范围。结论:HCPS对仪表提供额外的见解,消息和指导,为患者提供额外的见解,消息,以支持糖尿病临床实践指南推荐的自我管理目标的实现。



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