首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases >Septic Arthritis of the Hip in Lome (Togo)

Septic Arthritis of the Hip in Lome (Togo)




Objectives: To determine the epidemiological, clinical, and bacteriological characteristics of septic arthritis of the hip (SAH) among patients hospitalized in the departments of Rheumatology in Lomé. Patients and Methods: This was a multicentre, descriptive study, conducted over a 16-year period, from January 2004 to December 2020 on patients’ records at the three departments of Rheumatology in Lomé. We included in this study only patients with complete laboratory and radiological data. Patients who underwent hip replacement surgery and those with arthritis of the hip due to all inflammatory arthropathies were excluded. The diagnosis of SAH was based on clinical, radiological and bacteriological features. In the absence of bacteriological confirmation, the presumptive etiological diagnosis was based on epidemiological data, contacting with a person with tuberculosis, the presence of high-grade fever, the mode of presentation of the symptoms, the patient’s general appearance, and the result of the tuberculin skin test. The data was collected using Epi info 7.0 and statistical analysis was performed using STATA/IC 11.0. Results: Out of 3776 patients hospitalized in the three departments over the study period, 705 (18.67%) were diagnosed with septic arthritis of which 70 (9.92%) patients with SAH. The 70 patients with SAH were 44 (62.86%) females, and 26 (37.14%) males, with a sex ratio of 1.7 F/M. The mean age of the patients was 42.43 ± 19.37 years (range: 5 years and 80 years) and the mean duration of symptoms was 6.57 ± 8.85 months (range: 2 days and 48 months). The pain was inflammatory in nature in 46 (65.71%) and mechanical in nature in 24 (34.29%) patients. The onset of the disease was progressive in 50 (71.43%) patients and sudden in 20 (28.57%) patients. The locations of the pain were: groin only 25 (35.71%), greater trochanter only 15 (21.43%), groin and lower back 14 (20%), and groin and greater trochanter 9 (12.86%). Sixty-four patients (91.43%) were limping and only six (08.57%) were crippled. Weight loss was noted in 38 (54.29%) patients. A risk factor was identified in 63 (90.00%) patients; they were chronic alcohol abuse 24 (34.29%), poor hygiene 17 (24.29%), sickle cell disease 13 (18.57%), HIV infection five (7.14%), and diabetes four (05.71%). Radiologic features suggestive of SAH were seen on plain radiograph and computed tomography in 55 (78.57%) and 15 (21.43%) patients, respectively. The SAH was unilateral (48 right hip and 20 left hip) in 68 (97.14%) patients and bilateral in two (02.86%) patients. The diagnosis of SAH was probable tuberculosis in 46 (65.71%) patients and probable pyogenic bacteria in 24 (34.29%) patients. The outcome was favourable in 68 (97.14%) patients and two (02.86%) patients died. Conclusion: The hip remains a relatively rare localization of infectious pathologies. Most cases of SAH are due to tuberculosis.
机译:目的:确定在Lomé患者病毒学院病人住院患者的髋关节(SAH)的流行病学,临床和细菌学特征。患者和方法:这是一项多中心,描述性研究,从2004年1月到2020年到2020年12月在Lomé三个动力学中的患者记录中进行的。我们在本研究中仅包含完整的实验室和放射数据的患者。不包括接受髋关节置换手术的患者及其髋部髋关节关节炎的患者。 SAH的诊断是基于临床,放射性和细菌学特征。在没有细菌确认的情况下,推定的病因诊断基于流行病学数据,与肺结核的人接触,高档发热的存在,症状的呈现方式,患者的一般外观,以及结果结核菌素皮肤测试。使用EPI INFO 7.0收集数据,并使用Stata / IC 11.0进行统计分析。结果:在研究期间,在三个部门住院的3776名患者中,705(18.67%)被诊断出脓毒症关节炎,其中70(9.92%)的SAH患者。 70例SAH患者是44名(62.86%)的女性,26例(37.14%)雄性,性别比为1.7 f / m。患者的平均年龄为42.43±19.37岁(范围:5年和80岁),症状的平均持续时间为6.57±8.85个月(范围:2天和48个月)。在24例(34.29%)患者中,46(65.71%)和机械本质上的炎症是炎症。该疾病的发作在50例(71.43%)患者中进行了进展,20例(28.57%)患者突然。疼痛的位置是:腹股沟仅为25(35.71%),更大的Troochanter仅为15(21.43%),腹股沟和较低的背部14(20%),腹股沟和更大的Troochanter 9(12.86%)。六十四名患者(91.43%)跛行,只有六(08.57%)。在38例(54.29%)患者中注意到体重减轻。危险因素在63例(90.00%)患者中鉴定出来;它们是慢性酒精滥用24(34.29%),卫生差17(24.29%),镰状细胞疾病13(18.57%),HIV感染五(7.14%),糖尿病四(05.71%)。在55(78.57%)和15名(21.43%)患者中,在普通的X型射线照片和计算断层扫描中看到了SAH的放射学特征。 SAH在68名(97.14%)患者和两种(02.86%)患者中是单侧(48右髋关节和20个左髋关节)。 SAH的诊断是46例(65.71%)患者的可能性结核病,24例(34.29%)患者可能的化脓性细菌。结果在68例(97.14%)患者中有利,两种(02.86%)患者死亡。结论:髋关节仍然是传染病的相对罕见的本地化。大多数SAH病例都是肺结核。



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