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Copacabana is more than a beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: the orchid flora of Parque Estadual da Chacrinha




Orchidaceae is the most diverse botanical family in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with 79 genera and 250 species. Vegetation in Rio de Janeiro is mostly restricted to small fragments of Atlantic Forest, many of which are located within conservation units and act as refuges for flora. Some of the best-known postcards of the city, such as Corcovado and Sugar Loaf mountains, and the Christ the Redeemer statue, are located within urban conservation units. This work presents the results of a floristic-taxonomic study of Orchidaceae in the Parque Estadual da Chacrinha (PE Chacrinha), a state park located extremely near the famous Copacabana beach in the heart of Rio de Janeiro. Brief morphological descriptions of the species are provided and an identification key for the orchids of PE Chacrinha is presented, based mainly on vegetative morphological characters. Orchidaceae of PE Chacrinha is represented by thirteen genera and 16 species, most of which restricted to Brazil, seven of them are also endemic to the Atlantic Forest, or South America and occur as terricolous or rupicolous. We highlighted the occurrences of Acianthera limae, Epidendrum ammophilum and Prescottia spiranthophylla, species that grow exclusively or predominantly on rocky outcrops. With these findings, our goal is to raise awareness among the local population about the importance of conserving the regional flora; stimulate visits to PE Chacrinha and promote the inclusion of this conservation unit in the tourist itinerary of the city of Rio de Janeiro.
机译:Orchidaceae是拉里奥·杰尼罗,巴西市中心最多样化的植物家庭,拥有79个属和250种。里约热内卢植被主要限于大西洋森林的小碎片,其中许多都位于保护单位内,并作为植物群的避难所。城市的一些最着名的明信片,如Corcovado和Sugar Boaf Mountains,以及救世主雕像,位于城市保护单位内。这项工作介绍了植物园植物植物分类学研究的结果,位于里约热内卢市中心的着名的Copacabana海滩。提供了物种的简要形态学描述,并提出了PE Chacrinha兰花的识别键,主要是植被形态特征。 PE Chacrinha的兰科是由十三属和16种,其中大部分限制在巴西,其中七种也是大西洋林,或南美洲的特点,并且发生了坦克或桶。我们强调了阿加特拉乳头,鳗鱼菌菌斑和普雷氏菌瘙痒素,其物种,其在岩石露头上种植的物种。通过这些调查结果,我们的目标是提高当地人口对保护区域植物区的重要性的认识;刺激PE Chacrinha的访问,并促进在里约热内卢市的旅游行程中纳入这个保护单位。



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