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The origin of the parrotfish species Scarus compressus in the Tropical Eastern Pacific: region-wide hybridization between ancient species pairs




In the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP), four species of parrotfishes with complex phylogeographic histories co-occur in sympatry on rocky reefs from Baja California to Ecuador: Scarus compressus, S. ghobban, S. perrico, and S. rubroviolaceus. The most divergent, S. perrico, separated from a Central Indo-Pacific ancestor in the late Miocene (6.6?Ma). We tested the hypothesis that S. compressus was the result of ongoing hybridization among the other three species by sequencing four nuclear markers and a mitochondrial locus in samples spanning 2/3 of the latitudinal extent of the TEP. A Structure model indicated that K?=?3 fit the nuclear data and that S. compressus individuals had admixed genomes. Our data could correctly detect and assign pure adults and F1 hybrids with??0.90 probability, and correct assignment of F2s was also high in some cases. NewHybrids models revealed that 89.8% (n?=?59) of the S. compressus samples were F1 hybrids between either S. perrico?×?S. ghobban or S. perrico?×?S. rubroviolaceus. Similarly, the most recently diverged S. ghobban and S. rubroviolaceus were hybridizing in small numbers, with half of the admixed individuals assigned to F1 hybrids and the remainder likely??F1 hybrids. We observed strong mito-nuclear discordance in all hybrid pairs. Migrate models favored gene flow between S. perrico and S. ghobban, but not other species pairs. Mating between divergent species is giving rise to a region-wide, multispecies hybrid complex, characterized by a high frequency of parental and F1 genotypes but a low frequency of ?F1 hybrids. Trimodal structure, and evidence for fertility of both male and female F1 hybrids, suggest that fitness declines sharply in later generation hybrids. In contrast, the hybrid population of the two more recently diverged species had similar frequencies of F1 and ?F1 hybrids, suggesting accelerating post-mating incompatibility with time. Mitochondrial genotypes in hybrids suggest that indiscriminate mating by male S. perrico is driving pre-zygotic breakdown, which may reflect isolation of this endemic species for millions of years resulting in weak selection for conspecific mate recognition. Despite overlapping habitat use and high rates of hybridization, species boundaries are maintained by a combination of pre- and post-mating processes in this complex.
机译:在热带东太平洋(TEP)中,四种鹦鹉鱼与复杂的Phyloge历史,在来自Baja California到厄瓜多尔的洛基礁石的Sympatry中,克拉斯·卡斯(Spackban),S.Ghobban,S. Perrico和S. Rubroviolaceus的Sympatry。最分散的,S. perrico,与晚在后期(6.6?ma)中的中央印度祖先分开。我们测试了S.Cuppressus的假设是通过在TEP的纬度2/3的样品中测序四种核标记和线粒体轨迹,在其他三种物种中持续杂交。结构模型表明k?=?3拟合核数据,并且S. compressus个体已被混合的基因组。我们的数据可以正确地检测和分配纯成人和F1混合动力车?&?0.90概率,并且在某些情况下,F2的概率也很高。 Newhybrids模型显示,S.CulcleS样品的89.8%(n?=β59)是S. perrico?××s之间的F1杂种。 Ghobban或S. perrico?×××。 rubroviolaceus。同样,最近分化的S.Ghobban和S. rubroviolaceus以少数杂交,其中分配给F1杂交种和剩余部分的一半混合的个体?&?F1杂种。我们观察到所有杂交对中的强烈的核心核心不等调。迁移模型有利于S. Perrico和S.Ghobban之间的基因流,但不是其他物种对。分歧物种之间的交配正在引起区域范围的多层杂种复合物,其特征在于父母生物和F1基因型的高频率,但是低频的&Δf1杂种。剪辑结构,以及雄性和女性F1杂种的生育能力证据,表明健身在后期发电杂种中急剧下降。相反,最近发散的物种的混合群具有相似的F1和&αF1杂种的频率。建议加速与时间的交配后不相容性。杂种中的线粒体基因型表明,男性S. Perrico的不分青红皂白突然驾驶前Zygotic崩溃,这可能反映了数百万年的这种流行物种,导致了针特伴侣识别的选择薄弱。尽管存在重叠的栖息地使用和高杂交率,但是物种边界通过在该复合物中的前交配过程中的组合来维持。



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