首页> 外文期刊>Japan Architectural Review >Some learnings Gyoji Banshoya acquired from the spatial composition of the ancient shantytown of Mahieddine, in 1950's Algiers: Research on dwelling practice around the “bidonville (shantytown)” project in Algiers during the Late Colonial Period, Part 1

Some learnings Gyoji Banshoya acquired from the spatial composition of the ancient shantytown of Mahieddine, in 1950's Algiers: Research on dwelling practice around the “bidonville (shantytown)” project in Algiers during the Late Colonial Period, Part 1

机译:一些学习Gyoji Banshoya从1950年代的阿尔及尔古代山东省古代山东省的空间组成中获得的:在殖民时期末期的“Bidonville(Shantytown)”项目周围的住宅实践研究,第1部分



This paper aims to consider how Gyoji Banshoya's planning idea was formed through analysis of the panels presented by CIAM‐Alger in Aix‐en‐Province in 1953 on a shantytown called Mahieddine, which is defined as a primary source related to Banshoya's activities on the French side. At first, the points of his article “Apartments in Algeria” are summarized as the four criteria for analyzing of CIAM‐Alger's presentation panel. Then, CIAM‐Alger's presentation panel on Mahieddine is analyzed from the abovementioned four criteria where I discuss that they should be defined as dwelling practices of residents. Based on that, the realization of the Mahieddine project comprising of a “Cité de Recasement ” and “HLM (Habitation à loyer modéré) ” apartments, is examined. In conclusion, I indicate that Banshoya adopted the “courtyard,” “WCs and showers,” and “sight line planning.” Therefore, it is certain that he understood the importance of the Muslim tradition of privacy as well as improvement in sanitary conditions. Finally, I show some issues related to the further research framework centering around the “evolution” and modern urban planning, to reconsider the work of Gyoji Banshoya in Middle Eastern cities. The object of this paper is to consider how Gyoji Banshoya’s planning idea was formed through analysis of the panels presented by CIAM‐Alger in Aix‐en‐Province in 1953 about the shantytown called Mahieddine, which is defined as a primary source related to Banshoya’s activities on the French side.
机译:本文旨在考虑Gyoji Banshoya如何通过分析Ciam-Alger在1953年在一个名为Mahieddine的Shantytown的Aix-en-Province展示的面板分析,该公司被定义为与Banshoya在法国人的活动相关的主要来源边。首先,他的文章“阿尔及利亚公寓”的分数总结为Ciam-Alger的演示小组分析的四个标准。然后,从上述四个标准分析了Ciam-Alger的Mahieddine演示文稿小组,其中我讨论了它们应该被定义为居民的住宅做法。基于这一点,研究了Mahieddine项目的实现,包括“




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