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Sgoldstino signature in hh, W + W ? and ZZ spectra at the LHC

机译: hh w + w <斜视> ZZ LHC的光谱



A bstract In a supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model of particle physics (SM) with low scale of supersymmetry breaking, sgoldstino of (sub)TeV mass can be observed at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as a peak in diboson mass spectra. Moreover, as a singlet with respect to the SM gauge group, scalar sgoldstino can mix with the SM-like Higgs boson and interfere in all neutral channels providing with the promising signatures of new physics if superpartners are heavy. Sgoldstino couplings to the SM particles are determined by the pattern of soft supersymmetry breaking parameters. Here we concentrate on the cases with a noticeable sgoldstino contribution to di-Higgs channel. Having found a phenomenologically viable region in the model parameter space where scalar sgoldstino, produced at the LHC in gluon fusion, decays into a pair of the lightest Higgs boson we give predictions for corresponding cross section. Using the results of the LHC searches for scalar resonances we place bounds on the supersymmetry breaking scale F documentclass[12pt]{minimal} usepackage{amsmath} usepackage{wasysym} usepackage{amsfonts} usepackage{amssymb} usepackage{amsbsy} usepackage{mathrsfs} usepackage{upgreek} setlength{oddsidemargin}{-69pt} egin{document}$$ sqrt{F} $$end{document} in this region of parameter space. Remarkably, in this region sgoldstino may also be observed in W ~(+) W ~( ? )and ZZ channels, yielding independent signatures, since their signal strengths are related to that of di-Higgs channel.
机译:甲bstract在粒子物理学与超对称断裂的低比例的标准模型(SM)的超对称延伸,(亚)TeV的质量的sgoldstino可以在大型强子对撞机(LHC)被观察为在diboson质谱的峰。此外,如相对于所述SM轨距基的单峰,标量sgoldstino可以与SM状Higgs粒子混合,并在所有中性通道与新物理学的有前途的签名提供如果超对称是沉重的干扰。 Sgoldstino联轴器到SM颗粒通过软超对称打破参数的图案来确定。在这里,我们专注于与到二希格斯通道明显sgoldstino贡献的情况下。在模型参数空间其中scalar sgoldstino,在胶子融合LHC产生衰变为一对最轻希格斯的玻色子我们给出相应的横截面具有预测发现现象学上可行的区域。利用我们对超对称性界标共振的LHC搜索的结果打破比例歼的DocumentClass [12磅] {最小} usepackage {amsmath} usepackage {wasysym} usepackage {amsfonts} usepackage {amssymb} usepackage { amsbsy} {usepackage mathrsfs} {usepackage upgreek} setlength { oddsidemargin} { - 69pt} {开始文档} $$ SQRT {F} $$ {端文档}中的参数空间这一区域。值得注意的是,在该区域中sgoldstino也可以在W〜观察到(+)W〜(α)和ZZ信道,从而产生独立的签名,因为它们的信号强度与该二希格斯信道的。



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