首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies >Democratic institutions against the background of China’s economic development: the change in the delegate composition of the Yangzhou municipal people’s congress

Democratic institutions against the background of China’s economic development: the change in the delegate composition of the Yangzhou municipal people’s congress




This research examines the impact that China’s economic development has had on the political system that shapes the CCP-led single-party regime. In pursuit of this inquiry, this research focuses on the delegate composition in the people’s congress – China’s democratic institution. Previous research argues that China’s democratic institutions contribute to the stability of the single-party regime. However, when considering political functions of those democratic institutions, it does not give sufficient consideration to the possibility that the system itself and its political functions might change over the time. By analyzing 20-year materials of five consecutive terms from 1998 to 2018 on the delegates to the people’s congress of Yangzhou city in Jiangsu province, this research observes the changes in the delegate composition.
机译:本研究探讨了中国经济发展对塑造中共领导单政权的政治制度的影响。 在追求这一调查中,这项研究侧重于人民代表大会 - 中国民主制度的代表组成。 以前的研究认为,中国的民主机构有助于单方政权的稳定。 然而,在考虑这些民主机构的政治功能时,它并没有足够的考虑系统本身及其政治功能可能会随着时间而变化的可能性。 通过从1998年到2018年的江苏省扬州市人民代表委员会为20年与2018年为2018年分析了20年的材料,这项研究会观察代表组成的变化。



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