首页> 外文期刊>African journal of urology >Dorsal vaginal graft urethroplasty in female urethral stricture: a contemporary series

Dorsal vaginal graft urethroplasty in female urethral stricture: a contemporary series




Background:Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) is an uncommon entity in women. The incidence is only 2.7–8% of women referred for voiding symptoms. It is common to treat female urethral strictures by repeated urethral dilatations with subsequent self-intermittent catheterisation, which often leads to stricture recurrence. We aim to review the technique and outcomes of Dorsal vaginal graft Urethroplasty (DVGU) to manage urethral strictures in females.MethodsThis study is a retrospective chart review of 24 women with urethral stricture who underwent dorsal vaginal graft urethroplasty by a single surgeon. Patients were selected based on history, physical examination, uroflowmetry, urethral calibration, urethroscopy and voiding cystourethrography. We compared the pre- and postoperative values of variables such as the peak flow (Qmax), post-void residual (PVR) and self-reporting satisfaction score.ResultsMean (range) age of the patients was 46.54 (38–55) years. The mean PVR was 6.35?ml/s and 148.12?ml/s, respectively. The mean Qmax before and after surgery was 6.35–25.12?ml/s, respectively (p?
机译:背景:膀胱出口梗阻(嘘)是女性罕见的实体。该发病率仅为空缺症状的2.7-8%。通过随后的自我间歇性导管分复尿道稀释,对雌性尿道狭窄进行治疗雌性尿道狭窄,这通常会导致狭窄复发。我们的目的是审查背面阴道移植尿道术(DVGU)的技术和结果,以管理女性的尿道狭窄。方法是对24名尿道狭窄的尿道狭窄的回顾性图表,由单个外科医生接受背面阴道移植尿道术治疗。患者是根据历史,体检,尿液运输,尿道校准,尿道镜检查和排尿膀胱型患者选择的。我们比较了诸如峰值流量(Qmax)的变量的预和术后值(Qmax),无效的残留(PVR)和自我报告满意度。患者的年龄(范围)年龄为46.54(38-55)岁。平均pVR分别为6.35?ml / s和148.12μl/ s。手术前后的平均Qmax分别为6.35-25.12?ml / s( p ?<β05)。平均PVR从148.12?ml(术前)降低至41.67?ml(术后)(术后)( p ?<β05)。手术前后,平均校准尺寸分别为12.76f和24.50 f( p ?<Δ05)。自我报告的满意度评分(患者全球改进印象)表明,五(5)例患者得分1(非常好),十六(16)名患者得分2(更好),三(3)名患者得分3(有点好)。三名女性(12.5%)具有严格的复发。其中两个稳定初始柔软扩张,第三个妇女需要持续的自我导热术。总体而言,成功率为87.5%,平均值(范围)随访22.62(12-36)个月。控制逆转围绕阴道移植尿道术是一种简单,安全,实用的方法,以合理的成功率治疗女性尿道狭窄。它可以被视为可定义修复的一行选项。



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