首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Meteorology >A Multiscale Assessment of Three Satellite Precipitation Products (TRMM, CMORPH, and PERSIANN) in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China

A Multiscale Assessment of Three Satellite Precipitation Products (TRMM, CMORPH, and PERSIANN) in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China




This study evaluated three satellite precipitation products, namely, TRMM, CMORPH, and PERSIANN, over the Three Gorges Reservoir area in China at multiple timescales. The assessment covered the following aspects: the rainfall amount, extreme precipitation, and the rainy-day detection ability. Results indicated that the CMORPH and TRMM estimates of rainfall amount were reasonably good, but the PERSIANN showed a larger bias than the other two satellite products. The data precision of CMORPH was slightly better than TRMM. All three satellite products could reproduce the diurnal cycle of rainfall, i.e., more precipitation in the morning than in the evening. The CMORPH estimates were closest to the gauge observation at 3-hourly and 12-hourly timescales. The data accuracy of CMORPH data was better during the night than in the daytime. At daily timescale, the quality of TRMM data was slightly inferior to the CMORPH, whereas the PERSIANN still differed much from the ground observation. At monthly, seasonally, and yearly timescales, the performance of TRMM was comparable to CMORPH, and both of them were obviously superior to PERSIANN. The rainy-day detection ability of CMORPH and TRMM was much better than PERSIANN. The PERSIANN data tended to overestimate the light rainy days but underestimate the heavy and torrential rainy days. The CMORPH data overestimated mainly the moderate rainy days. The TRMM data overestimated the occurrence frequency of heavy rain during the winter half year (from October to the next March). Both the CMORPH and the TRMM provided good estimates of the regional average rainy days. The data accuracy of CMORPH was slightly better than TRMM, and both were far better than the PERSIANN with respect to the rainfall amount and rainy-day detection. Nevertheless, all satellite estimates showed large biases of extreme precipitation. The CMORPH estimate of the maximum 5-day precipitation was the best of all. Both the CMORPH and TRMM data overestimated the 95th percentile of precipitation, but the PERSIANN data severely underestimated it. The PERSIANN estimates of extreme precipitation amount were the best of all during the daytime, nighttime, and the whole day. The above evaluation results could facilitate the application of satellite rainfall products and provide a reference to precipitation-related studies.
机译:本研究评估了三种卫星降水产品,即Trmm,Cmorph和Persiann,在中国的三峡库区,在多个时间尺寸。评估涉及以下几个方面:降雨量,极端降水和雨天检测能力。结果表明,CMORPH和TRMM降雨量的估计是合理的,但波斯人均显示出比其他两颗卫星产品的偏差更大。 Cmorph的数据精度略好于TRMM。所有三种卫星产品都可以重现降雨的日间周期,即早上的降水量比晚上更多。 CMORPH估计在3小时和12小时的时间表中最接近仪表观察。在白天的夜晚,Cmorph数据的数据准确性比白天在白天更好。在每日时间尺度时,TRMM数据的质量略逊于CMORPH,而Persiann仍然不同于地面观察。每月,季节性和每年时间尺度,TRMM的性能与CMORPH相当,两者都明显优于Persiann。 CMORPH和TRMM的雨天探测能力比Persiann要好得多。波斯国家的数据往往高估了轻微的雨天,而是低估了沉重而暴雨的日子。 CMORPH数据主要超过中雨天估计。 TRMM数据高估了冬季半年(从10月到下3月)的大雨的发生频率。 CMORPH和TRMM都提供了对区域平均下雨天的良好估计。 Cmorph的数据准确性略好于TRMM,并且两者远远超过波斯如何相对于降雨量和下雨天检测。尽管如此,所有卫星估计都显示出极端沉淀的大偏差。 CMORPH估计最大5天降水是最好的。 CMORPH和TRMM数据均高估了第95百分位数的降水量,但波斯国家数据严重低估了它。在白天,夜间和一整天中,极端降水量的估算是最好的。上述评估结果可以促进卫星降雨产品的应用,并提供对沉淀相关的研究的参考。



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