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Urban vacant lands impart hydrological benefits across city landscapes




Cities evolve through phases of construction, demolition, vacancy, and redevelopment, each impacting water movement at the land surface by altering soil hydrologic properties, land cover, and topography. Currently unknown is whether the variable physical and vegetative characteristics associated with vacant parcels and introduced by demolition may absorb rainfall and thereby diminish stormwater runoff. To investigate this, we evaluate how vacant lots modulate citywide hydrologic partitioning by synthesizing a novel field dataset across 500 parcels in Buffalo, New York, USA. Vacant lot infiltration rates vary widely (0.001 to 5.39?cm?h -1 ), though parcels are generally well-vegetated and gently sloped. Extending field estimates to 2400 vacant parcels, we estimate that vacant lands citywide may cumulatively infiltrate 51-54% additional annual rainfall volume as compared to pre-demolition state, in part by reducing and disconnecting impervious areas. Our findings differentiate vacant lots as purposeful landscapes that can alleviate large water fluxes into aging wastewater infrastructure.
机译:城市通过施工,拆迁,空缺和重建的阶段演变,通过改变土壤水文特性,陆地覆盖和地形,每次冲击水运动。目前未知是可变物理和植物特性是否与空位包裹相关并被拆除引入可能会吸收降雨,从而降低雨水径流。为了调查这一点,我们通过在美国布法罗,纽约,美国布法罗的500个包裹中,评估空缺的地段如何调制全市水文分区。空白渗透率差异很大(0.001至5.39?cm?H -1),尽管包裹通常是植被良好的植被和轻轻倾斜。将场估计延伸至2400个空置包裹,我们估计空缺的土地可以累积与预拆卸状态相比的51-54%的额外年度降雨量,部分通过减少和断开不透水区域。我们的调查结果将空缺地区差异是有目的的景观,可以缓解大型水势态进入老化废水基础设施。



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