首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Linking Personality Traits to Individual Differences in Affective Spaces

Linking Personality Traits to Individual Differences in Affective Spaces




Different individuals respond differently to emotional stimuli in their environment. Therefore, to understand how emotions are represented mentally will ultimately require investigations into individual-level information. Here we tasked participants with freely arranging emotionally-charged images on a computer screen according to their subjective emotional similarity (yielding a unique affective space for each participant) and subsequently sought external validity of the layout of the individuals’ affective spaces through the five-factor personality model (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness) assessed via the NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Applying agglomerative hierarchical clustering to the group-level affective space revealed a set of underlying affective clusters whose within-cluster dissimilarity, per individual, was then correlated with individuals’ personality scores. These cluster-based analyses predominantly revealed that the dispersion of the negative cluster showed a positive relationship with Neuroticism and a negative relationship with Conscientiousness, a finding that would be predicted by prior work. Such results demonstrate the non-spurious structure of individualized emotion information revealed by data-driven analyses of a behavioral task (and validated by incorporating psychological measures of personality) and corroborate prior knowledge of the interaction between affect and personality. Future investigations can similarly combine hypothesis- and data-driven methods to extend such findings, potentially yielding new perspectives on underlying cognitive processes, disease susceptibility, or even diagnostic/prognostic markers for mental disorders involving emotion dysregulation.



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