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Triceps fascial tongue exposure for intra-articular distal humerus fracture: revisiting the Van Gorder approach

机译:腹腔内肱骨肱骨骨折的三头肌肌肉舌暴露:重新探任何van Gorder方法



Distal humerus fractures account for up to 7% of all fractures and 30% of elbow fractures. Sixty-one percent of these fractures involve the articular surface. The injuries present in a bimodal distribution: an early peak in young males associated with high-energy trauma and a late peak in elderly women with osteoporotic bone.12,13,15 Articular fragment reduction, re-establishment of the joint axis, and early motion are key tenets to restore function. Many different surgical approaches have been well described, including olecranon osteotomy, triceps-reflecting anconeus flap, Bryan Morrey (Mayo), paratricipital, triceps splitting, and triceps-flexor carpi ulnaris.3,11,20 To date, there appears to be no clear clinical advantage of one approach over the other.6,16 The olecranon osteotomy has been considered the gold standard in complex distal humerus fractures as it is considered the most extensile and provides the most visualization of the articular surface.18 However, complications including malunion, nonunion, symptomatic implant, and implant loosening can arise from performing the osteotomy.1,7,16,19 Additionally, this approach increases expense and also increases the difficulty to convert to a total elbow arthroplasty (TEA), which can be as high as 25%.8 As TEA becomes an increasingly used treatment option for distal humerus fractures, a universal surgical approach that allows adequate visualization of the articular surface while allowing for easy conversion to TEA becomes increasingly advantageous.9,14 Van Gorder originally described the triceps fascial tongue approach in 1940 for T-type distal humerus fractures.17 However, other than the original description, there is a paucity of literature on the technique and it has been excluded in many review articles or comparison studies over the last 2 decades.3,6,12,20 The triceps fascial tongue approach was reintroduced recently in 2015 as an approach for primary TEA.9 In this technique article, we describe and illustrate this approach to the distal humerus in the setting of a complex intra-articular fracture with application of modern implants.
机译:远端肱骨骨折占所有骨折的7%和肘部骨折的30%。这些骨折的六十一度涉及关节表面。双峰分布中存在的伤害:与高能量创伤和骨质疏松骨骼的老年女性的晚期峰值的早期峰值,骨质疏松骨骼的晚期峰值.12,13,15个关节片段减少,重建关节轴,早期运动是恢复功能的关键原则。许多不同的手术方法已经很好地描述,包括冬青骨质切除术,肱三头肌反射anconeus襟翼,Bryan Morrey(Mayo),对比,肱三头肌分裂,以及Triceps-Flexor Carpi ulnaris.3,11,20迄今为止,似乎没有清楚的临床优势在另一个方法中的一种方法.6,16燕麦隆骨质术被认为是复杂的远端肱骨骨折中的金标准,因为它被认为是最伸长的并且提供了关节表面的最大可视化。然而,并发症包括manunion ,偶然,症状植入物和植入物松动可以出现从表现出截骨术1,7,16,19,这种方法增加了费用,并且还增加了难以转化为整个肘部关节成形术(茶)的难度,这可以高由于茶叶成为远端肱骨骨折的越来越多的治疗选择,允许足够的关节表面可视化的通用手术方法允许轻松转换为茶叶变得越来越有利.9,14 van Gorder最初描述了1940年为T型远端肱骨骨折的三头肌筋膜接近。然而,除了原始描述之外,该技术缺乏文献缺乏文献并且它被排除在过去2年的许多审查文章或比较研究中,3,6,12,20在2015年最近重新介绍了Triceps筋膜舌头,作为初级茶叶的方法.9在这篇技术文章中,我们描述了并以应用现代植入物在复杂的内关节内骨折设置中,在远端肱骨中示出了这种方法。




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