首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pharmaceutical care. >Drug Use Evaluation of Crystalline Penicillin in Pediatrics Ward of Dessie Referral Hospital, North East Ethiopia: A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study

Drug Use Evaluation of Crystalline Penicillin in Pediatrics Ward of Dessie Referral Hospital, North East Ethiopia: A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study

机译:Dessie Refer医院小儿科病房的Crystalline Penicillin的药物使用评价:基于医院的横断面研究



Background: Antibiotic resistance is a worldwide issue due to rise of antibiotic consumption andwide variation in antibiotic prescribing practices. Crystalline penicillin is the most highly consumedantibiotics by hospitalized pediatrics patients in Dessie Referral Hospital and its utilization patternis not known in the study area. The objective is to assess the appropriateness of crystalline penicillinuse in pediatrics ward of Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia.Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional study was used for evaluating medication records ofhospitalized pediatric patients who received crystalline penicillin from October to December 2018.Results: A total of 262 hospitalized pediatrics patient records were included in the study. All the 262(100%) cases were consistent with guidelines for contraindication and drug interaction to use thedrug. Crystalline penicillin use was consistent with guideline recommendations in 93.8%, 92.8%,89.6%, 66.7% and 39.4% of the cases with regard to, indication, outcome, frequency, dose andduration of treatment, respectively. The observed value of all drug utilization evaluation parametersexcept drug interaction and contraindication showed statistically significant difference from the setthreshold in nonparametric binomial test.Conclusion: The result of the current study especially with regard to dose and duration is muchbelow the recommended threshold and needs scheduled trainings and necessary interventions totackle the problem.




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