首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Humanitarian Action >Review of “The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention” by Don E. Scheid (ed.) and “Aid in Danger: The Perils and Promise of Humanitarianism” by Larissa Fast

Review of “The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention” by Don E. Scheid (ed.) and “Aid in Danger: The Perils and Promise of Humanitarianism” by Larissa Fast

机译:审查Don E. Scheid(Ed.)和“危险的渠道”和“危险:危险和人道主义承诺”的审查速度快



Don E. Scheid (ed.) The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press; 2014. ISBN: 978-1107610675 Larissa Fast Aid in Danger: The Perils and Promise of Humanitarianism , Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania Press; 2014. ISBN: 978-0812246032
机译:剑桥大学剑桥大学出版社武装人道主义干预伦理; 2014年。ISBN:978-1107610675 Larissa快速援助危险:普斯尼亚大学Phin,Pa,Pa,PA,PA,PA,PA,PA,宾夕法尼亚州的危险和承诺; 2014. ISBN:978-0812246032




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