首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Innovation & Knowledge >Structural holes and social entrepreneurs as altruistic brokers

Structural holes and social entrepreneurs as altruistic brokers




We propose that social entrepreneurs may act as altruistic brokers helping their beneficiaries patch the structural holes that separate the disenfranchised and marginalized individuals and groups from the opportunities, resources, and capabilities available to more privileged actors. We test our model on a database of social entrepreneurs that received funding from the Schwab Foundation and Ashoka. Our case analysis and frequency analysis performed in NVivo shows that social entrepreneurs’ institutional work comprises: (1) bridging: helping beneficiaries gain access to resources and opportunities; (2) enabling: helping beneficiaries develop capabilities; and (3) bonding: helping beneficiaries form cohesive networks. Furthermore, some of these key types of institutional work may take the lead depending on various contextual factors so that either bridging, enabling, or bonding may become dominant.
机译:我们建议社会企业家可以充当利他主义经纪人帮助他们的受益者补丁的结构漏洞,这些结构漏洞将歧视机构和边缘化个人和团体从更多特权行为者提供的机会,资源和能力分开。我们在社会企业家数据库中测试我们的模型,这些数据库已获得施瓦布基金会和阿·高冈的资金。我们在NVIVO进行的案例分析和频率分析表明,社会企业家的制度工作包括:(1)桥接:帮助受益人获得资源和机遇; (2)启用:帮助受益人发展能力;和(3)粘合:帮助受益者形成凝聚力网络。此外,这些关键类型的制度工作中的一些可能取决于各种上下文因素,从而使桥接,能力或粘接可能变得优势。




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