首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Analysis of Problem Solving Ability and Creative Thinking Ability of Mathematic Students Through the Application of the Problem Based Learning Model in Class VIII Students of Smp Jendral Sudirman Medan

Analysis of Problem Solving Ability and Creative Thinking Ability of Mathematic Students Through the Application of the Problem Based Learning Model in Class VIII Students of Smp Jendral Sudirman Medan

机译:基于SMP jendral Sudirman Medan的VIII学生的问题学习模型的应用解决问题求解能力和数学思维能力分析



This study aims to: 1) To improve students 'mathematical problem solving abilities taught by using the Problem Based Learning model 2) To improve students' mathematical creative thinking skills taught by using Problem Based Learning models 3) To analyze the number of difficult indicators of problem solving abilities and mathematical creative thinking of students who taught using the Problem Based Learning model. Subjects in this study involved 38 students from Jendral Sudirman Medan Class VIII students who were treated with Problem Based Learning in the even semester of 2019/2020 with 38 students. The results showed that: 1) Mathematical problem solving abilities of students with problem based learning models. There were 11 good ability students (28.94%), 8 enough ability students (21.05%), and 19 less ability students (50%). 2) Whereas students' mathematical creative thinking abilities with problem based learning models. There were 8 students with high ability (21.05%), 6 students with medium ability (23.68%), and 21 students with low ability (55.26%). 3) Students who have high mathematical creative thinking with a score of 93.75 have good categorical problem solving skills with a score of 93.75. Students who have medium creative thinking with a score of 75 have enough categorical problem solving abilities with a score of 68.75. And students who have low creative thinking with a score of 43.75 have less ability to solve categorical problems with a score of 50.
机译:本研究旨在:1)通过使用基于问题的学习模型2)来提高学生的数学问题解决能力,通过使用基于问题的学习模型3来提高学生的数学创意思维技能,以分析困难指标的数量基于问题的学习模型教授教学的学生的问题解决能力和数学创造性思维。这项研究中的主题涉及来自杰伦列德·苏德曼梅达班级的学生,甚至是2019/2020年学期的基于问题的学习,38名学生。结果表明:1)基于问题的学习模型的学生的数学问题解决能力。有11名良好的学生(28.94%),8个足够的能力学生(21.05%)和19个能力的能力(50%)。 2)与基于问题的学习模型的学生的数学创作思维能力。有8名学生能力高(21.05%),6名学生中等能力(23.68%),21名学生能力低(55.26%)。 3)具有93.75分的高数学创作思维的学生具有良好的分类问题,得分为93.75。具有75分的中等创造性思维的学生具有足够的分类问题解决能力,得分为68.75。并且具有43.75分的创造性思维的创造性思维的学生具有较少的能力,可以获得50分的分类问题。




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